fredag den 25. februar 2022

Fredagsfrustration - hæveautomater -- ATM's -- Updated

     Denne gang en mindre, og dog irriterende én af slagsen.
     Og undskyld for at udgive og så hive dette indlæg ned igen. Jeg havde glemt, at jeg allerede var kommet med én Fredagsfrustration. Og én Frustration pr. fredag må række 😉

     Uglemor kan godt lide at betale med kontanter, derfor hæver hun troligt penge i en hæveautomat, for at kunne betale i diverse butikker. Men hver evig eneste gang får hun mindst to femhundredekronesedler, for det meste tre og nogengange hele fire styks. Og forleden fik hun oven i købet en tusindkronekroneseddel. Det er ellers en seddel, bankerne fraråder os at bruge på grund af risikoen for falskmønteri. Man må dog regne med at den er ægte, når den kommer ud af uautomaten.
     Men hvordan skal Uglemor bære sig ad med at få mindre sedler ud af automaten? Den eneste løsning, der falder hende ind, er den let molboagtige at hæve et mindre beløb adskillige gange.

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   This time a minor, yet annoying one of its kind.
  And sorry to have posted and un-posted this post last Friday already. I forgot that I had presceduled one Friday Frustration already. And one Frustration per Friday has to suffice 😉

   Unlike the majority of Danes, MotherOwl likes to pay in cash, so she regularly withdraws money from an ATM to pay in various shops. But every single time she gets at least 2 five hundred crown notes, mostly as many as 3, sometimes even four. And the other day she even got a thousand kroner note. This is our biggest banknote and one the banks advise us not to use because of counterfeiting. But you have to assume it's genuine when it comes out of the bank.
  But how will Uglemor manage to get smaller notes out of the ATM? The only solution she can think of is the slightly pea-brained one of withdrawing a small amount several times.
Her er en 1000-kroneseddel for dem der har glemt hvordan sådan én ser ud.
And a thousand kroner note for those who never saw one.

1000 kroner is approximately 135 Euro, 194 Canadian Dollars, 210 Australian Dollars, 152 American Dollars or 112 British Pounds.

And today, getting out a new portion of cash, I found some kind of solution. If you ask for an amount of money, NOT the standard solutions given at the ATM you have an option to choose how you want them. From now on MotherOwl is going to get 2200 kroner instead of the usuual 2000. 🤑

2 kommentarer:

  1. I prefer to pay with real money too and usually get out $500 at once and stretch it as long as I can. It comes from the machine as ten $50s and I lock them away and use one at a time until it is gone.

    1. $500 is half again what I normally get. And I have all the money with me, because shopping for a family of six recuires a lot. One $50 note would not suffice for my "big" shopping days. But I still do not like tho pay with the larger notes in the supermarkets.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.