onsdag den 23. februar 2022

Á Íslandi 18 -- Words for Wednesday -- 23 February

For the last time in 2022 the prompts can be found at  C. Lee McKenzie's blog.

More about the Words for Wednesday challenge can be read over at Elephant's Child's blog.

The general idea is to make us write and read what others wrote, and cheer along the other participants.

  This is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true, therefore:
Please, remember to follow their links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement. 
The prompts, we were given, are:




I just carry on, and only used the first four words.

Monica prepared the antidote, at the same time inaugurating the new Alchemy room. She was quite enchanted with the lavish premises, and happy to meet many of the old cauldrons, stirrers, rods, weights and ingredient containers, she knew from the Unicorn Farm.
"We used almost all the things, we found in the old well," Knud said hearing her exclamations. "Only the bottommost cauldrons had rusted through. We are happy that you are pleased."
"I am," Monica said, "very much so, but I am even more pleased that My will come down and take over the potions mastery. I and Olav are happily busy with the vine and party shop in Oslo. I suspect that Marit and Jan will come down here more than we will. We are a pair of homebodies," Monica added with a fond look in Olav's direction.

Next morning first thing in the morning Marit and Fiona went to Sandra's room with the antidote. All the residents of Birch Manor were gathered outside, or down the stairs, in the yard just below Sandra's room. All were quiet as mice. They all found  the wait eternally long. Small scurrying sounds could be heard from the staircase where Heidi, Tage and Lis stood together with their spouses and children and their children, Sandra's great-grandchildren, ranging in age from 11 years down to the 2 months old in Heidi's arms. Of course they all were hoping for Granny Sandra to get well again. Finally the door to Sandra's room opened and Fiona came out, wearing a huge smile. "Sandra is better, the antidote is doing its job. Later today we'll see if she needs to have a drink tomorrow as well. And now, please, Roseanne and Mary come here."  Rasmus came, holding one daughter in each hand with a firm, almost desperate grip. "I so hope it works!" he said.
"It worked like magic with Sandra ... Yes, Pippin, you may go in to your granny with that bouquet," she said smiling down at Lis' youngest grandson, who had gathered healing herbs in the meadow all morning. "Sorry, you two. Here's a good morning drink for each of you. You did not eat anything yet, I hope?"
"No," Roseanne said, "Dad said we were not allowed to, I have been thinking of eating all morning, but I have not et anything. It was hard!"
Mary nodded: "Me too, I gave Dad my candy yesterday, it was too tasty."
"Smart girls," Fiona said warmly, patting Mary's head. Then she gave each of the girls a small crystal goblet with a concoction shimmering in grey, green and gold.
"It looks like those colour changing candies," Mary said, "And it smells like them too. They are my favourite candy" She emptied the glass ant looked up at Fiona, then at Rosemary, then back at the glass. "I don't feel sick any more! I feel good, fantastic."
Rosemary smelled the potion as well. "Smells good," she took a tiny sip, "ahh, jelly beans," she said and slowly, savouring drank it all. She looked at Fiona wih big, round eyes and smiled: "Yes! I do not feel yucky any more. I have almost forgotten how the pink medicine tasted. It feels so good!"
Rasmus placed his hands on their heads "Do I still tickle or itch your brains?" he asked. "No, Dad, you do not tickle my brain any more," Mary said, "It just feel nice, like ... like a brushing, very soft."
"Oh dad," Roseanne said, "I .. I think I'm going to explode."
"Was it that bad?" Rasmus asked, "you never told me."
"No," Roseanne said and Mary just shook her head.  "It was ... I had ... I almost forgot how it was not to feel sick," Roseanne said finally.
Fiona looked at her "Just like when you get used to a bad smell, and then goes outside in the fresh air?"  
"Yes that's it!" Roseanne said and Mary nodded so much Fiona almost got dizzy looking at her.
"I'm afraid I'm a down to earth man," Rasmus said. "But I am hungry!"
Everybody laughed, and Susan said: "Well then it's a luck that breakfast is ready in the dining hall."

While they sat, enjoying the last of the crumpets and tea, and the children seeped away to play outside, a shrill note broke the relative peace and quiet of Birch Manor.
"The portals!" Finnbogi said. "Someone used the portals to Iceland and is now trapped under the mountain."
"Oh, no," Susan said. "I hope it's not My or someone easily scared. Those cells are terror inspiring. And how do we get there when they are set as traps?"
"The Birch Manor one is not," Finnbogi explained. "One, I had to return here, Two, we have control over the portals here, and three, we had to be able to go there once that alarm sounded."
"Yes, I see. Of course," Susan said. "What now?"

... to be continued

8 kommentarer:

  1. As usual, i am enjoying the story, and always on the edge of my seat. Who is trapped and why did that person come that way? Only the next installment will tell.

    1. Thank you. I hop e next instalment will indeed tell.

  2. I am so happy the potion is working :)
    I wonder who is trapped in that portal? Possibly that husband from a few chapters back that I can't remember the name of?

    1. I think you're rigth Walther, was his name ;)

  3. Cauldrons and portals and potions! What's not to like? Thanks again for another episode.

  4. I read part 15, 16, 17, 18... I'm almost caught up but you'll probably write more...

    So many people here to keep track of but it's kind of fun. I'm glad Sandra is better.

    I'll read more later...

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Yes. Lots of people in this chapter. I'm picking up threads fro all the storyline here.

      There'll be more the longer you wait ;)

      Thank you for reading.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.