tirsdag den 30. august 2022

Hvis jeg var julemanden ...

If I were santa ...

I dag - 30. august var jeg på indkøb
Mirabeller og slåen hænger tæt på træerne, solen skinner igen 😃 og fuglene synger.

Today, August 30, I went shopping.
The sun is shining again 😃 and the birds are singing. Cherry plums and sloe are ripening on the branches.

Dagens billeder  --  Today in photos
Store, næsten modne slåen  --  Big, almost ripe sloe berries.

Hvor er der mange mirabeller i år  --  What a lot of Cherry plums!

Smukke japanske lygter  -- Pretty Japanese Lanterns.

Inde i byen  --  In the town
Kan det virkeligt være ...   Can it be ...

Det er det! Hvis jeg var julemanden, ville jeg strejke! Det er galt nok med jul i juli til at ødelægge sommereferien, men hvis han nu skal på arbejde fra sidst i august. Suk.
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Yes it IS: If I were santa I'd go on strike. It's bad enough with these Christmas in July-parties. But now he has to start work in late August. Sigh.

mandag den 29. august 2022

Poetry Monday :: Bats

It is Poetry Monday!
 Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who supplies us with many of the topics - are also writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read them!
  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month!
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.
  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way, now that her mum's health is in need of a prayer too. But still we dare hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.

Today we do Bats!

The Pirate loves bats, a thing he has inherited from his mom. When first we moved in, I was younger by far than I am today, and brushing my teeth in the autumn evenings, I heard the bats' schreeching outside. It was (and is) common noctules, one of the few bats whose echo sounds are just 'low' enough to be sometimes audible to (young) human ears. (Around 18 kHz - within the upper audible limit of around 20 kHz.)

We always wondered why they did not move in here, bats and swallows alike. They nest at the neighbours' but not here, and we would welcome them!

-- -- -- 🦇 -- -- --

Sorry it turned out a bit batty!

I'd love me some bats
To compete with the gnats
To bother the cats
And live in my att-

My son loves them too
As they fly ot and fro
Diving out of the blue
Always know what they're do-

Oh, a nice, flying bat
Flew into my hat.
I am sure that that
Might drive me just bat-

-- -- -- 🦇 -- -- --

And a bonus - I originally published this poem 13 August 2018. But I have published it almost every year since then - today is the right day to keep up this tradition:


It was rainy all day. I could hear it all night, as I lay in my bed.
Now everything's dripping and drooping, and dreary and wet.
The brooks are all leaping, the rivers all run.
Every field had its water, every straw had its drink.
But there's apples still ripening and berries, I think.
So please, pretty please, can I have back the Sun!

(also published August 10 2020, and January 25 2021)

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Next Mondays topic: Labour Day

søndag den 28. august 2022

Sunday Selection - Wet Edition

The last week has been two things, busy and sunny.

The first I cannot show in photos, just imagine a busy MotherOwl zipping past, you see only the feathers flying in her wake😀

Sunny is easier to catch:

When riding trains or buses from here to there, I have tried to figure out how this was knit. So far no luck. I can make holes just like these, but the knit fabric around the holes invariably ends up looking wrong.

The Pirate is an animal lover, and the animals - at least grasshoppers and crickets - has been following him around. This one I managed to snap before it jumped away - Yes it's in the dishwasher.

As I said, it was sunny, it was hot. The Owlets were away, and MotherOwl and the Writer improvised a BBQ in the garden. All the soft drinks were hot as well. We had a brain wave - why not put them into the frog pond? They'll be cool in next to no time. The Owlets did NOT take to the idea, and ever since any suggestions like "Who's to do the dishes?" or "Please take out the trash!" have been answered with "Just put it in the frog pond!"

Here's the Writer on the very hot day with Coke fresh from the frog pond!

And a close up - with duckweed - It was drunk to the very last drop in spite of the complaints.

But then ... in the night between Friday and Saturday, when all good Owls and Owlets were sound asleep, the rain came! It gushed and poured, the thunder rolled, and awoke all of us. Next morning ... erm noon, when the rain had quieted down, MotherOwl checked the rain gauge. It was almost overflowing!

Thus ended our busy week. Let's hope for this one to be less busy.

fredag den 19. august 2022

Words for Wednesday -- A Small Start

The next few days will be busy in the Owlery, I am not very far with the story, ideas are slowly emerging, and somewhen writing will happen too. But for now this is all I have done. I promise more to come eventually.
I did not use any of EC's Australian expressions so far ...

Pull the wool over his eyes
Put a sock in it
Dog's breakfast
Gone walkabout
Six of one, half a dozen of the other
Tell him he's dreaming

After lunch the visitors arrived, suddenly strangely clad persons stood in the bleak sunlight between the big bales in the yard.
Jon rose. "Now, my dear apprentices," he said loudly, the voice enhancing spell was not necessary, as everybody hang at his lips, "now the visitors have arrived. They come from the countries you have been examining and learning about in the last two days. Please gather in your groups and say hello to the witches and wizards from your country. First, from Brazil, Juana and Bruno Cardoso" the blue team jumped up and greeted the scantily dressed pair, whereupon they and Täthi and Taavi disappeared in direction teacher's living rooms. "I hope they find something warmer to wear," Jon said half smiling. He turned toward the door again. Next, Atreju and Uma Luzt  from Switzerland, Welcome." The yellow team got up, greeted the pair and they left with Matine and ML.
Jon spoke again: "And the next pair hails from Japan, Ume and Akito Matsumoto." The purple team bowed and the Matsumotos answered in kind and followed the apprentices, Torben and Birgitta out through the barn doors.
"And last but not least," Jon said. "G'day to Esther and Berny Drumley from Australia." Susan and the rest of the green apprentices rose and said "G'day" in unison. The two Australians smiled, they too were dressed inadequately for Danish winter chills, and soon drew their wands to shelter themselves from the frigid temperatures in the barn.
Then they followed the green team and Thora and Gilvi up the stairs to the green room.

onsdag den 17. august 2022

Words for Wednesday -- The Words and Musings

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Troubles led her to bow out, but the meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

  Essentially the aim of this meme is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given some prompts. These prompts can be words, phrases, music or images.
  What we do with those prompts is up to us: a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore ...
  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged.

  Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog. This fun meme includes cheering on the other participants.
  And the more the merrier goes here as well, so if you are posting on your own blog then please tell us in the comments, so that all other participants, can come along and applaud.

For this Wednesday Elephant's Child has given us some typically Australian phrases/slang. The first thing that hit me was how similar some of them are to the corresponding Danish phrases.

Pull the wool over his eyes - Putte blår i øjnene på nogen - Put flax tow in somebody's eyes
Put a sock in it -
Dog's breakfast -
Gone walkabout - Er smuttet - Has left (for a walk).
Six of one, half a dozen of the other -
Tell him he's dreaming - du drømmer! - You're dreaming!

I do not think I'll be able to continue Susan and Heidi's adventures into Aunt Jemima's old garden with these expressions - they just do not fit. But maybe I could make an extra chapter to the mysterious Australia-map-transformation-mess ... it's still in need of an ending. Let's see what happens next.

tirsdag den 16. august 2022

Words for Wednesday Aunt Jemima's Garden 3

Tomorrow is Wednesday. A new batch of words will be given us by our master, Elephant's  Child Elephant's Child. Before then I would like to use up last Wednesday's Words. I still miss the second half:


am - once again -  continuing the story of  Susan and her friends. Now using the second set of words - in the order they were given of course. This is a bit short, the Words were for once easy to use
😇 I promise more to come.

Heidi and Susan got off the bus near the white farmhouse as they had been instructed. Now follow the street lights, not lit this time of day, and keep on for around two kilometres until they reached the golf club. It was a wonderful summer's day, the road was dry and small clouds of dust rose from the surface if they stomped hard enough. In the end they were quite dusty, and eventually shoes and socks were removed and they waded in the brook along the way. Small insects left the tempting, honey smelling flowers, brushed up against their bare legs below the skirts, and flew away again. Susan unthinkingly repelled the moth-like flutterers as they tickled her bare legs. Heidi looked at her in envy, but she did not say a word. Susan did not consciously use magic, and telling her what she did, would only spoil the day. Using magic out of school was the one thing where they did not agree. Heidi's mother Sandra clamped down on the rules here, forbidding Heidi and her siblings, the twins Lis and Tage even the smallest spell as long as they were not within the borders of the Unicorn Farm. Susan's parents of course did not care, and she was not averse to making her tasks easier by use of a cantrip now and then. 
When finally they reached the golf club, they sat down on the green grass next to the road, ate a single sandwich and drank some of their sodas, carefully closing the bottles  with the flip-top seals.

 ... to be continued

mandag den 15. august 2022

Poetry Monday :: Lemon Meringue Pie Day

It is Monday - Poetry Monday!
 Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who supplies us with many of the topics - are also writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read them!
  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month!
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.
  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way, now that her mum's health is in need of a prayer too. But still we dare hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.

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The theme for today is: Lemon Meringue Pie Day. I never heard of this special pie until today, and did not really know what to do or say. So instead of big versed in praise of said pie, two humble haiku must suffice. 

Lemon meringue pie?
Meringue is crunchy and sweet
lemons are tasty

Mix them together
how will it taste? I wonder
I like pies - Let's try!

 - - - - -

Next Monday: Be an Angel Day

fredag den 12. august 2022

Fredagsfrustration - Nethandel

Friday Frustration Internet Shopping.

For English see below the picture.

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Nej, jeg er hverken blevet snydt eller udplyndret, eller har fået noget andet eller ringere end det jeg ønskede mig. Jeg er bare frustreret!
I går aftes fandt jeg nogle fine sylteglas frem,. Jeg havde købt dem meget billigt i et supermarked for et års tid siden, da syltesæsonen var slut og sat dem op til de andre glas. Da jeg hev dem frem, manglede gummiringe og lukkedimser! Det var altså derfor de var så billige! nogen havde hugget det fra pakken. Øv, Jeg tog selvfølgelig ned i mit lokale isenkræmmer og spurgte efter sådan nogle - det var nemlig hvad jeg gjorde sidst. Men nej, den slags småting sælger en velassorteret isenkræmmer ikke i vore dage. Hjemme igen ville jeg lige finde ud af, om man overhovedet kunne få sådan nogle. Det kunne man sagtens - i en netbutik. Jeg skal bruge to poser gummiringe til mine 12 glas.

I butik 1 koster en pose gummiringe 14 kr, to koster så 28 kroner, og dertil kommer porto: 49 kr. I alt at betale 77 kr. Og så tager det 1-2 hverdage, så de ville nok ankomme på tirsdag.

I butik 2 er ringene billigere, 12 kr pakken, jeg har stadig brug for to = 24 kr. Men så er der et håndteringsgebyr, når jeg nu køber for under 100 kr. på 39 kr. og fragt. 95  kr. I alt 158 kr. Og de ankommer nok også først på tirsdag.
Butik 2 tilbyder gratis afhentning ca. 5 timers togtur fra Ugleboet, nej tak, det koster nok væsentlig mere end 134 kr.

Butik 1 tilbyder fri fragt, hvis jeg melder mig ind i deres klub, hvis man groft sagt giver dem lov til at kontakte én på alle mulige måder, telefon, email og sociale medier, og til at bruge alle de informationer, de finder der til markedsføringsformål - med andre ord, sælg din sjæl for 49 kroner ... også nej tak til det tilbud.

Det værste ved historien er nok, at det er de her netbutikker, der er skyld i at den lokale isenkræmmer ikke længere fører den slags småting. Og jeg fatter stadig ikke hvorfor nethandel er vokset så meget. Den fragt er dyr jo, og så tager det tid ... og man kan ikke prøve, klemme, mærke, lugte osv.

No, I have been neither cheated nor robbed, nor have I received anything different or inferior to what I ordered. I'm just frustrated!
Last night I found some nice jars of jam. I bought them very cheap in a supermarket a year ago when the jam season was over and placed them with the other jars. When I pulled them out, they were missing rubber rings and metal seals! That was why they were so cheap! Someone had nicked those pieces from the crate. Bummer, Of course I went down to my local hardware store and asked for some - because that's what I did last time. But no, a well-stocked hardware store doesn't carry that kind of small stuff any more. Back home, I wanted to find out if you could even get some. I could - in an online shop. I need two bags of rubber rings for my 12 glasses.

In shop 1 one bag costs 14 kr, two are 28 kroner, plus postage; 49 kr. In total 77 kr. And with delivery within 1-2 business days they would probably arrive Tuesday or Wednesday.

In shop 2 the rings are cheaper, 12 kr per package, I still need two = 24 kr. But then there's a handling fee, because I buy for less than 100 kr. that's 39 kr. extra. Then postage: 95 kr no less. In total 158 kr. And they probably won't arrive until Tuesday or Wednesday either.
Shop 2 offers free pickup about 5 hours train ride from the Owlery. No thanks, as this will cost me significantly more than 134 kr (not to speak of 11 hours spent in trains and buses).

Shop 1 offers free shipping if I join their club, where you roughly allow them to contact you in all possible ways, phone, email and social media, and to use all the information they find there for marketing purposes - in other words, sell your soul for 49 kroner. No thanks to that offer as well.

The bugger is that the reason my local hardware store does not carry these any longer is probably because of the online stores. I still fail to see why online shopping has become so big.

torsdag den 11. august 2022

Spelling Bee - Word Games - Bragging

Among the Word games I like to play, Spelling Bee, Wordle, and the Danish Wordle-look-alike called Wørdle, are my favourites. I solve those three almost daily. And I have spoken earlier of Wordle and Wordle literature in this blog.

Spelling Bee is both easy and hard: find as many words as possible using the 7 letters in the bee pattern, always including the central letter in the yellow hexagon - letters can be reused. There's always at least one word called Pangram using all 7 letters and giving max points (14) Four-letter words, the shortest accepted gives 1 point each.
  You can always find some words and get mildly irritated that your clever words are not accepted by the game. Midden, Kale and Bunyon for instance are obviously not words!

  One thing buggers me though; that unlike Wordle and a lot of other games, you cannot finish this one without a subscription. You are limited to the rank Solid which is, I guess, around half the way done and preceded by: Beginner, Good Start, Moving Up, and Good.

  For long I have been speculating that it should be possible to reach the next rank after Solid by guessing the Pangram at the right time. This Tuesday I succeeded:

The next rank is called Nice!

onsdag den 10. august 2022

Words for Wednesday -- Aunt Jemima's Garden 2

The words appear on Elephant's  Child's blog every Wednesday in July, put together by herself.

- - - - -

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Troubles led her to bow out, but the meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

  Essentially the aim of this meme is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given some prompts. These prompts can be words, phrases, music or images.
  What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...
  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged.

  Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog. This fun meme includes cheering on the other participants.
  And the more the merrier goes here as well, so if you are posting on your own blog then please tell us in the comments, so that all other participants, can come along and applaud.

The Words are:


I am - once again -  continuing the story of  Susan and her friends. And so far I used the first set only - in the order they were given of course 😉

It was cold in the attic, and Heidi stood in front of the fire for some time before reading the address, it was far away and they were disappointed. Heidi looked up the address in an old telephone directory: "Aunt Jemima's husband was a rugmaker," Heidi said in a disbelieving voice. "I always thought he was a politician of sorts."
"Couldn't he be both?" Susan asked, "politicians are chosen, no 'elected' is the right word, I think, every second year ..."
Lis raised her head from her book: "No, every fourth year, only they disagree so much that we have elections more often than that."
"Thanks," Susan said, shaking her head over Lis' ability to read a book and listen in at the same time. "Election every fourth year as a guiding line and oftener if they disagree too much. Anyhow Aunt Jemima's husband could very well be a carpetmaker when he was not elected."
"Sounds right," Heidi said, He could not even be sure to have a job for more than two years as a politician, not so good."
"I love elections," Susan said smiling broadly, "we have that day off school, and they use the gym for the election, so no PE for at least a week, two if we're lucky. And then you go voting with mom and dad and are given sweets."
"Oh, we do this too!" Heidi said. "But why are elections always  on a Tuesday, never Monday or Friday that would be so nice?"
"It's not 'always'," Lis raised her head from her book once more: "last time it was actually on a Thursday. You better be happy it's always a school day, in many countries elections are always on a Sunday."
"Ohh!" Heidi said, "I won't complain. Sunday, terrible!"

It took forever before Heidi and Susan had a day off school and everything else at the same time, but finally they were on their way by trains and buses, as they were still not allowed to teleport anywhere, and there were no portals leading near their destination. They had brought along a humongous picnick basket, a blanket, mosquito oil, spare clothes and all the many, many thing both girls' parents deemed necessary for such an outing.

mandag den 8. august 2022

Poetry Monday :: Zucchini-sneaking

Poetry Monday - that's today!  Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who supplies us with many of the topics - are also writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read them!
  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month!
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.
  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way, now that her mum's health is in need of a prayer too. But still we dare hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.

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The theme for today is: Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbour's Porch Night. Poeming happened in my head in the early hours of the morning, unfortunately in Danish. A half-rhymed translation is given, sorry.

Når nattens mørke falder
i lillebyen X,
da ser man lyssky herrer
bag hver en havehæk.

Når nabo A har høstet
sin høst af dagens squash
han sniger sig med byttet
til nabo Bs altan.

Mens nabo B i ly af natten,
snigende og tyst som katten
lægger sin last hos nabo C.

Og C han lister stille
i mørkt og gråligt tøj
med squash til nabo A
der bor på samme vej.

Når nattemørket viger
og dagen bryder frem,
de vågner alle glade
hver i sit eget hjem

Men glæden varer ikke længe
når de står ud af deres senge,
de møder nattens værk.

 - - - - -  

With the descending darkness
in the small town of X,
you see shadowy figures
behind most every hedge.

When neighbour A has harvested
his harvest of day's squash
he sneaks in with the loot
to neighbour B's porch.

While neighbour B under the cover of night,
stealthy and quiet as a cat
drops his cargo at neighbour C's.

And C is quietly sneaking
in dark, lacklustre clothes
with squash for neighbour A
who lives on the same road.

When the darkness gives way
to early break of day,
they wake up free and happy
each in their little home

Alas the joy is short-lived, and turning into fright
as they rise from their beds to meet
the labours of the night.

 - - - - -

Next Mondays topic: Lemon Meringue  Pie Day.

søndag den 7. august 2022

Sunday Selecction -- Happy Edition

Yesterday we were in Copenhagen for an ordination. A young man we know and cherish was made a priest.
It was one of the best days in my life, and I'm still not quite touching the ground when walking.

While I have almost no photos from yesterday - at the church, I was too busy being there, and later I soaked my camera, it will survive, but all photos were fuzzy - I suceeded in snapping some funny posters at the place where the reception aftewards was being held.

This would be just about my favourite tree ever.

torsdag den 4. august 2022

Using the Words - Aunt Jemima's Garden 1

EC gave us these words for Wednesday - that was yesterday. I was busy, but now I felt inspired.


These words turned into a small bit of a new
Susan story. On the timeline we're some days after the story about a mouse. I almost succeeded in using the words in the order they were given 😞

"I would like to meet, as in really meet a fairy or an elf," Susan said. "I sometimes see glimpses of them while looking through the hole in that stone, They dance in the meadows among the trees, soaring over apples and stones as lightly as fluffy dandelion seeds."
"Some say you can entice them with poppy seeds, as they like the taste," Heidi said. "Personally I think this is hogwash. I think they come and go as pleases them. I have a vague memory of us visiting aunt Jemima in her old house. The fairies were dancing in the garden there. It was marvellous. Later that year she moved away from that house. I don't remember much about it."
"Oh, I wish we could go visit that garden!" Susan enthused. "Can't you ask your mother where it was, like?"
"Neither she nor Aunt Jemima will tell. She says there's a shadow hanging over that house - that's why aunt Jemima moved in the first place. But maybe, I got an idea," Heidi's face lit up. "I think I have some old letters from Aunt Jemima. Maybe her address is on one of them!"
"Where there's a will, there's a way," Susan said. "Find those letters, better hurry up!"

onsdag den 3. august 2022

Words for Wednesday & IWSG - August Question

Dear everybody!
I'm so sorry for posting a half-written post yesterday. I had forgotten we were celebrating a July-children's birthday and coming home and done with writing party yesterday. I must have pressed Publish instead of Schedule.
  Now at least here are the Words. This month it's Elephant's Child supplying us with the words on her blog.


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August 3 question - When you set out to write a story, do you try to be more original or do you try to give readers what they want?

My answer: Neither. I tell the story, I want to tell. I sit myself down and write the story down - often after composing it in my head while walking, biking or taking a bath.
  Then I wait for some time,and read it through to see if I still like to read the story. If yes, I go on correcting, expanding and so on this story. And when I like to read it, all of it, I consider it finished.
  I might never publish anything at all this way, but then I hope you, my readers here in the interwebs, and whom else in real life reading my story has had just half as much fun reading my story as I have had telling and writing it.
  This suddenly does not sound like it belongs in a The Insecure Writer's Support Group post, but I promise you that I am still insecure while writing. Trying to find that one word catching the atmosphere in just the right way, trying to give that timbre, recreate this peculiarity and soon.

mandag den 1. august 2022

Poetry Monday :: Girlfriends

Poetry Monday - that's today!  Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who supplies us with many of the topics - are also writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read them!
  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month!
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.
  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way, now that her mum's health is in need of a prayer too. But still we dare hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.

  But  today's theme: Girlfriends? ... No, not going to happen. I don't know why, but all the caboodle with Best Friends Forever and so on scared me at school. Of course I had  friends not many, but I had them, girl friends and boy friends. But being boys or girls was not what mattered, if you understand ...  Then again I'm not going to opt out of Poetry Monday just because the theme does not speak to me.
  Let's talk a girl's best friend instead. No, not diamonds, dogs or boys. Horses top the list!

En vej går ind i himlen (Min lille hest)                             A road leads into haven (My little Horse)
Tekst/Lyrics: Halfdan Rasmussen,                                                      Melodi/Music: Hanne Passer, 1984
  Bad translation: MotherOwl, 2018-2022

En vej går ind i himlen hvor jeg bor                          A road leads into heaven where I dwell
imellem hvide sky'r og grønne marker.                      Meandering through clouds and grassy meadows
Ved vejen står en lille hest og sparker                        A little horse is waiting in the shadows.
og spiser græs og vokser og blir' stor.                        He eats his grass and everything is well.

Når dagen gryr' og vækker blomst og bi,                 When day is dawning, waking up the bees,
og lyset planter trær' og rosenranker,                       The sunlight planting trees and golden cornstalks.
da står min lille hest med våde flanker,                    The little horse, with dewy hoofs and fetlocks
og vrinsker en godmorgenmelodi.                            Is neighing his good morning to the breeze

Når middagsstunden slår sin vifte ud,                      When midday's sun is burning hot and clear
og solen brænder havren tung og gylden,                 And sunshine makes the oats all ripe and golden,
da går min lille hest i læ bag hylden                         My little horse is hiding in the rowan
og kysser den og mener den er gud.                          He kisses it and thinks it is a dear.

Ved aften blir' den hentet af en dreng,                      When evening comes, a boy comes for the horse
som klapper den på mulen mens han snakker.          He strokes its muzzle gently as they're talking.
Så går de sammen mellem lave bakker,                    Then through the rolling meadows they go walking,
hvor åen nynner som en gylden streng.                    Along the streamlet's humming silver course.

Men kommer natten ridende fra vest                        But when the night comes riding from the West
med dug på koderne og sølvblå tømme,                   With dewy mane and starlit, skyblue stirrups
da går min lille hest herud i drømme,                       My little horse comes riding in the moonlight
og derfor elsker jeg min lille hest.                            And that is why I love my horse the best.

Listen here in Danish - this is the one most like what I remember. The 2 first verses are best:

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Next Monday: Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbour's Porch Night

Spam - Spam - Spam - 2

A bit more than a mont ago I wrote and published this post. Nothing has changed. If anything more comments are marked as spam.
There's lots of comments on my blog still marked as spam.At least one comment a day, but often all of them! But I do not get any spam-comments, or hardly ever. This is to say that you, all of you, regularly end up marked as spam.

I do my best to set all comments free as fast as possible, but with time differences and life happening, some comments are bound to stay in limbo for hours!

I can only promise to do my best and hope that Blogger will soon get wiser!
And EVERY.SINGLE.TIME I notify Blogger via the in-blog feedback button.
This is deeply frustrating as I was told the  spam filter would learn, but I'm still freeing all of you from spam limbo several times a week.