På Pometet så vi utroligt mange æbler og utroligt få hvepse. Æblekagen var udsolgt inden vi nåede frem, men heldigvis har vi selv æbler i haven, så vi må bare selv lave æblekage.
De ser altså helt kunstige ud! De smagte kedeligt. |
Et æble ved navn Antonius! |
And the English version: Sunday after church, we went to the flea market. I guess it was the season's last. And guess what. Trolli found a router, exactly the same as oulr old one, that broke. We bougth it. and the writer spent half the afternoom pushing buttons and typing passwords after Trolli and MotherOwl gave up. Now it works, we're back online again.
After the flea market, we all went to Pometet, a collection of apple (and other fruit) trees belonging to the University of Copenhagen, department for plants and environmental sciences. We saw lots ant lots of apples. And you could eat all the fallen down ones. We tasted big red apples, oval yellow apples, small sinu ones and big ones with blemishes. Not all of them tasted good, but many did. I wrote a list with our favourites. And to our surpiise wasps were almost absent.
All the cake had been eaten before we reached the nice ladies, but we took our revenge with home made apple crumble next day ;)