søndag den 20. februar 2022

Sunday Selections -- Bits and Bobs

 Lidt billeder fra den forgangne måneds tid

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Some pictures from the past month.

En strikket vandmelon til Storesøster  -- A knit watermelon for BigSis.

En smuk mølle set gennem et støvet vindue  --  A beautiful old mill seen through a dusty window

Purløgene spirer frem  -- The chives are sprouting

Og rabarberne er på vej op -- And the rhubarbs too.

Jeg fandt søreme en pil med røde gæslinger til mit røde bed -- A willow with red catkins for my red bed.

Vintergækker i trængsel -- Lots of snowdrops.

Garn, der skal vindes op, vaskes, bejdses og farves -- Yarn to me wound, washed, mordanted and dyed.

Farve fra stokroser -- dye from hollyhocks.

"Kikset er det nye sort" Valentinskage, en dag for sent, underligt knoldet og glasuren (den er grøn, altså) var lidt for stiv, for jeg løb tør for citronsaft. Men den smagte godt.
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"Ungainly is the new black" Out valentine cake, a day late, it turned out lumpy, and the frosting (it IS green!) was made with too little liquid, I ran out of lemon juice. But the taste was great.

En smuk natsværmer, jeg kender ikke navnet -- A beautiful moth, name unknown.

Og sidst, men ikke mindst en fin blå glasting fra en genbrugsforretning
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Last but not least, a beautiful blue glass thingie from a second hand shop.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I love the windmill and the cake looks lovely. I used to make chocolate cake with coloured icing, sometimes pink with strawberry flavour, sometimes green with mint flavour, sometimes coffee colour with coffee flavour. Most often chocolate icing though. I like that blue glass thing.

  2. That was a moth? I thought it was a leaf but since you said it, it does looked like a moth, quite unusual looking one.

    Have a lovely day.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.