tirsdag den 8. februar 2022

Tirsdagstips :: Gummistøvler

Uglemor købte sig et par nye gummistøvler sidste forår, de gamle var nemlig revnede. Surt, da de faktisk ikke var så gamle og slidte endda. Nu begyndte de nye så allerede at se triste ud. Og forleden faldt jeg over et Link. Tænk, gummistøvler trænger til olie ind i mellem. Jeg fandt noget valnøddeolie inde i køkkenskabet og gav støvlerne en ordentlig omgang. Nu smiler de igen.
     Valnøddeolie skulle være frygtelig sundt, men det smager som sveden havregrød, jeg har med stort held brugt den til morgenfruesalve og indtørret træ, og nu altså også til gummistøvler.

MotherOwl bought herself a new pair of rubber boots last spring. The old pair was full of cracks and fissures and did not do their job any more. Kind of meh, as they were not that old.
  Then a week ago I noticed that the new pair had a tired look. Some days later looking for something else, I stumbled over a site telling me that rubber boots needed oil now and then, and more so if they were often drying near the heat. I found a bottle of walnut oil in my cupboard. I put some on an old rag, and thoroughly wiped my wellies. Now they are smiling again.
   Walnut oil should be very healthy, but it tastes like burned oatmeal - I have used it for dried out wood and un-petroleum jelly with big success, now wellies can join the list. 

6 kommentarer:

  1. What an excellent discovery. And no, I didn't know that rubber boots required oiling.

    1. It's always nice to become smarter ;) I don't know if rubber boots are a necessity where you live, but here the winters are generally cold and wet. Sometimes my garden feels like a swamp.

  2. It sounds like a good discovery. The boots i have are synthetic and i haven't noticed any cracking or drying out, but i'll keep an eye on them.

    1. As far as I could understand from my link, synthetic boots do indeed not need any oil. I splurged on my boots this time over, but as I use them every day, a good pair ends up cheaper than 3 cheap ones. And now I know about oiling, they'll last even longer.

  3. My rubber boots got cut off at half-mast because the tops are always too narrow for my fat calves. I gave them to the thrift shop when I moved here, they'd hardly been worn at all and I didn't think I'd need them. Now I wish I still had them every time I go out to water the garden.

    1. *Smile* I'm with you on the shafts being too narrow. I usually just fold them down. You need to haunt thrift shops to find a new pair. I use mine every day in the winter for tending the chicken. Watering is a good reason as well.


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