Efter kaffen blev der arbejdet. Rammerne fik en omgang, og så loddede Uglemor vokstavler 12 i fine rammer, klædte sig forsvarligt på og gik ud til bierne.
Today on our way home from mass, MotherOwl remembered her bees. She had run out of frames for the bees, and the man selling new stuff and taking care of the washing of old frames lived en route. The writer called him, he was at home and MotherOwl got her 74 clean frames and 5 kilogrammes of wax foundation.
After coffee in the garden MotherOwl set to work. 12 frames were made ready for use, MotherOwl dressed up in protective clothing, and went to her bees.
Familie 1, der er den største, havde lavet vildbyg over det hele, fuld af honning og yngel. Meget vildbyg, meget mere, end det med rimelighed kunne forventes. Uglemor fjernede det meste, medens hun undrede sig over de pokkers biers evne til at bygge vildbyg.De fik alle de 12 nye rammer i håbet om at de da for sytten kunne bygge der og ikke ud over det hele. Så skulle der jo laves flere rammer, så Uglemor gik ind, klædte sig af, loddede 8 nye rammer og gik ud til familie 2.
Familie 2 havde færre bier - ikke få bier, bare færre end familie 1, men de har jo hele tiden været færre. Til gengæld var kassen ovenpå så fuld af honning, at den var tung - rigtig tung. En tavle kan rumme ca. 2 kg honning, og en kasse rummer 8 rammer, så 16 kg honning, rammer, voks, kasse ... og så skal den naturligvis klistres fast med masser af propolis.
Der var ikke nær så meget vildbyg i denne familie, og heller ikke nær så mange varroamider, det der utøj, der plager alle biavlere i Danmark.
Hive 1 - the big family once again had copious amounts of wild comb everywhere. Far far more than expected. They had filled up every nook and cranny with criss crossing combs, and filled it with brood and honey. MotherOwl cut loose big slices and wondered. How they got all this built so fast. Well they got all the new frames in an attempt to contain their building lust. MotherOwl went in, undressed, readied 8 more frames for hive 2 and went out again.
Hive 2 had more honey, fewer bees, not few, but fewer. not much wild comb, only the expected amount. But lots of honey. The honey super was really heavy, taxing MotherOwl's strength. In Denmark the varroa mite is a common pest among bees, and MotherOwl noticed that hive 1 had many more of these comparatively big critters than did hive 2.
Til efteråret skal Uglemors bier have den helt store omgang med myresyre mod varroamider! Det plejer de godt nok at få, men måske går Uglemor endnu grundigere til værks i år.
Three years ago MotherOwl lost a bee family - it flew away and lived in a hollow tree not far away. When bees are left t themselves the family normally collapses after two winters. I'm sure this has happened to the bees in the hollow tree - an inspection a couple of weeks ago showed no bees entering or leaving the hollow tree. Then the bees from hive 1 have discovered the hollow tree with no or only a few dying bees, honey and wax for the taking -- and varroa mites in great numbers. That's how they could fill up the hive with wild combs, and that's the reason why they have so many more mites than hive 2. The bees from hive 2 have been doing their work, pollinating rapeseed plants and gathering nectar from the flowers.
This Autumn MotherOwl's bees once again are going to be treated according to the national strategy for combatting the varroa mites.