mandag den 21. februar 2022

We have a Kangaroo (No-Poetry Monday)

I just had to share the news. A kangaroo has been seen in the southern part of Denmark!
The owner has not been found, a local zoo has been asked,
but says that they count their kangaroos every morning, and are not missing any.
I wonder what this forebodes as the theme for today's Poetry Monday is
Just now I am too involved in Susan's story to rhyme.

A screenshot from the news.
Source: TV2øst.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Ooooh! I wonder what THAT portends?! ;)

    1. I'll have to follow the news now to find that out.

  2. Oh, the poor thing, i hope the zoo can take care of it until the owner is found.

    1. They'll have to catch it first. It seems the kangaroo has been on the run for a month, and as the police says is a very flight-footed animal.

  3. I wonder where it came from?


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