fredag den 25. februar 2022

Á Íslandi 20

The prompts, we were given, are:





I just carry on, but I did not succeed in using any of the words

Also as every morning after breakfast, Rasmus took the portal back to Tromsø to visit his wife, Liisa at the hospital, and to see if the doctors had any news for him.

During lunch, Rósa, Heidi, Martine, Hilde, Marit and Knud sat at the same table.
Heidi said: "All the children that are old enough, need wands. We have only given wands to the original apprentices and a few of their children."
"How old is 'old enough'?" Rósa asked. "I totally agree, by the way, and I'm more than ready to do my share of wandsinging. But is there a legal age for wands?"
Martine looked at her: "How old were you, when you got yours?"
"13," Rósa answered, "but My was only ten. She was the youngest of us all, she was still only ten at the first Easter fire."
"Was she too young?" Martine asked.
"No way!" Rósa said.
"So," Martine said, speaking slowly, considering her words, "maybe it's not a set age. Maybe we need some kind of test. Like for teleportation?"  
 "That might be the answer," Rósa said. "First thing Saturday, when My and Anna has arrived, we wandsingers have to talk this over with you and Sandra." She turned to Marit. "Sandra will get well again, won't she?"
"She will," Marit answered, "She might never get her old strength back, but we have no lack of willing and eager hands and feet here. She'll have to not overdo it for some time yet to come. Actually her impatience and willingness to react on her premonitions are her worst enemies. We'll fill her up to here," Marit held her hand level with her throat, "with strengthening potions. She is strong, so given nothing untoward happening for the next while, she'll make it. She should be able to come down and participate in a friendly discussion on wands and  wandsinging Saturday!"

Rasmus, Lis, Tage and Susan all returned at the same time, almost erupting from the portal room into the dining hall.
They gathered at a large table with all the other old apprentices and Martine. While eating, Rasmus first told of Liisa's condition. This was quickly done. No changes in her condition or strange brainwave pattern. Physical exercises had been added to her regimen to avoid loss of muscles. In short nothing new.
Lis, Tage and Susan meanwhile had news. Lis spoke for them all. "We went to the portal complex under the mountain. And we found a way of seeing the prisoner without being seen. Tage and I looked first, and the Susan, who  confirmed, that it was Walther, Ella's husband whom she met in Germany, But Tage and I both had another person in mind upon seeing him. Do you care to guess?"
Knud looked up, and so did Martine: "You first," Knud said.
"David?" Martine asked.
Knud nodded, and so did Lis and Tage.
Susan said: "Well, I do not know. It could be him, but so could a lot of other men our age. 50+ years changes a person. Is there any way we can tell. I mean a magical way?"
"Every person has a unique 'feel' to me," Finnbogi said. "That's an innate part of being a 'red' wizard. Like Rasmus found Hilde's wand mum-like, I can always 'feel' who you are. If I put my mind to it that is. It's hard, using rather a lot of energy. But if I still remember him, and if he still 'feels' the same ... I do not know is the simple answer."
"I suggest that you, Lis and Tage go back and look at him," Knud said. "Then if Marit and Fiona think it OK, Susan, Martine and me should go and find out Aamu's whereabouts from Sandra."
"Yes, I agree," Susan said. "We have to find her, if not for anything else, then to be assured she has not been helping - or used by - Liisa and Walther. You can sniff me when I return home from her, if we find her that is; can't you, Finnbogi?"
"I sure can, and Rasmus can help me. He seems to be keen on the smell of black magic," Finnbogi answered.
Monica looked out through the window: "It's still raining hard, no flying or herbing this afternoon. I'll  be happy to show a simple potion to everybody, and speak some of materials, and the importance of using the right stirring rods."
"Yes just tell about some of our former mishaps," Susan said smiling, "but not enough to undermine our authority."
Then Susan rose and so did Knud. "Marit how says you, Can we speak to Sandra now?"
"I'd say yes," she answered, "but I go with you and speak to her and Fiona. It's almost time for me to replace her anyway."
Finnbogi, Lis and Tage also arose. "Phew, Tage said, I don't look forward to yet another trip through the portals, but what must be done, must be done. At least we've eaten well."
"Yes, it can be felt, tasted, smelled, and savoured that Hilde is here, I'll be sorry to see her leave once the holiday's over. But..." Knud said.
"Nisser!" Martine said. "We could sure use some, but how? And can that be done again? I think Gilvi had a special deal with them."
Rósa said: "Finnbogi and I have to look into this, I have an idea of where Katla, the young Icelandic Nisselady might be found. So maybe, just maybe. But later, not now."
Everybody went their way, Knud and Susan followed Marit over the yard and up the stairs to the rooms where Sandra stayed. Marit bade them wait and slipped inside.

... to be continued

1 kommentar:

  1. David, a name from the past we did not want to hear again. Ah, well, where would the story be if there was not opposition and things to overcome?


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