torsdag den 24. februar 2022

Á Íslandi 19

The prompts, we were given, are:





I just carry on, and used
Smash and Anyway.

"Now someone has to go there and see who it is. When that is clear, we discuss what to do," Finnbogi said
Lis and Tage began speaking at once.
"You still do that?" Susan asked exasperatedly. "Lis, please speak."
"We go there?" she said. "I am curious to see that portal place, I promise I won't use any of the portals, but I always wanted to see a Portal Major."
"You knew about those?" Finnbogi said. "I thought I was the only one."
"You forget that my forebears back from time immemorial have been mages," Lis said. "Oh it feels so good to be able to say such things for fun again."
"I think I have to go with you," Susan said. "I suspect Walther of using the portals."
"Walther? Who's he?" Lis and Tage again spoke simultaneously.
"Argh!" Susan said, "I feel like smashing something. You're hopeless. Walther is Ella's husband, I met him while visiting her in Germany, in order to find the antidote. He's kind of fishy, Rasmus and Finnbogi say that he stinks - magically spoken, that is. Anyway, I'm going with you."
Heidi said: "Can I come too?"
"Nope, Fiona said, "you're not going. Portal travelling is not good for you yet. Besides, we need you for teaching."

"I bow to the healer," Heidi said. "What is today's program?"
Knud answered. "In ten minutes, when the tables have been cleared, we gather. After Mál sameinast the program depends largely on the weather. The weather forecast promises, or threatens, rain soon. So, Icelandic language is first, then I think Heidi should give a demonstration of transformation with a little theory. After lunch if the weather clears, flying lessons and herbs? Fiona how say you?" Fiona nodded "Else simple potions, and healing. We keep it simple and all together or in random groups until everyone has arrived.
"I think we have to meet, all of us and soon." Hilde said earnestly. "As soon as possible. When can this be?"
"Apropos which," Susan said. "Does anyone have news of Helge and Anna? When will they arrive? And should someone go and ask My to come earlier? And .. Oh ... all this chaos have totally made me forget Frank and Freja - that's Sarah's son and his wife. They have four children, Janet, Peter, Carla, and baby Thora. What is today? I'm getting behind with all what's happening."
"Today is Thursday my dear," Knud said.
"We have a little more than one week until we got to be back at the museum," Rósa said. "We also still need to discuss if anything can be done for Kirstin."
"And we still have to find Aamu as well. But Sandra knew something, now she's hopefully getting better, I can ask her," Susan said.
"And my children, and Olav and Monica's, Marit and Jan's children ..." Hilde said.
"But not now, Knud said. "Now we have to get up and make ready for the gathering. First things first."

Knud rang the big bell outside the dining hall, and when all had gathered, he cast the Mál sameinast. Then he spoke: "Today we're going to start teaching and learning of magic here at Birch Manor. The first lesson will be Icelandic language for beginners. Who here speak Icelandic already?"
Rósa and Finnbogi raised their hands, Marit and Jan looked at one another and hesitatingly raised their hands as well.
"We have been travelling to Iceland for all our summer holidays since the children were small. We have been taking lessons too," Marit explained.
"Great" Finnbogi said. "I just realized that my knowledge of Icelandic grammar is faulty. You can help!"
"It's always like that with your own language," Rósa said.  
Knud looked to the sky and said: "Everybody inside in the hall. Find a place on a table, books will find you!"
While Finnbogi and Rósa taught everybody to count to 20 in Icelandic, Hilde made the notebooks and pencils soar through the air. Roseanne and Mary sat on either side of their father and looked so happy and smiling, that Hilde could hardly get her eyes off them. Slowly the old apprentices, now teachers-to-be left the hall and gathered in a big classroom.

"We have to think and plan," Knud said. "Susan, Lis and Tage you leave now to go trough the portal to Iceland and find out who's there. The rest of us must try to do some thinking as to who is where and how to carry ion from here. Now Marit is with Sandra, Rósa and Finnbogi are teaching our children and grandchildren, everybody else is here." He looked around at his old co-apprentices Heidi, Monica, Hilde, Knud, Fiona, Olav, Jan and Martine their old teacher.

 . "We need to get an overview over who and how many we are." Knud said. He hung a giant paper on one wall, and had it partition itself into a humongous grid with 19 rows and 4 columns. Then he began writing the names of the living apprentices in the first column. In the next column he added their partners and marked those in silver who were married to one another; himself and Susan, Olav and Monica, Marit and Jan, He turned to the others once again: "The next two columns will be for our children, and their partners, spouses, sweethearts ...  whatever. The next one again for their children, our grandchildren. To make it easy for me, please write in your own kids and caboodle, like I do it now" he said smiling, adding his and Susan's six children with spouses and children. Below the grid he added Sandra and Martine.
After those present had filled in the empty cells, he filled in Sarah's children and their families. He thought for a short while, then he swung his wand, and the names, he touched, turned green. "Those are already here," he said touching his own name, then Susan, Hilde, Fiona, Rósa, Finnbogi, Marit, Jan, Olav, Monica, Lis, Heidi, and Tage. "And of course Sandra and Martine. Then to those, we know where are," he said touching the names and painting them yellow: "My and Helge are liquidating their shops, Anna is working, and will come Saturday, Sarah is incapacitated, Kirstin is handicapped, but we will see what can be done as soon as the worst fracas is over and done with.  Only Aamu is totally missing," he finished, touching her name and making it red.
And soon as the grid was filled in as well as could be done, My's children were still missing, and nobody knew if Helge had any.
He swung his wand again and the names took on colour. Finnbogi and Aamu were the only red ones, Marit and Fiona the only yellow ones,  Of the ones actually at Birch Manor Monica was the only blue one, the rest were a fairly equal split between green and purple.  
Finnbogi and Rósa came back: "Now everyone able to, can count to 20 in Icelandic." "That was our first lesson too, Hilde said. And they all went into the dining and study hall.

Knud kept standing, while the other apprentices and Martine sat down at the table next to him.
"As you might or might not know," Knud began, "magic comes in schools. It's easier to explain like this maybe: Some kinds of magic comes easier to some people. At Unicorn Farm we were assigned a colour, I don't know if they just invented the colour code or it had some history?" Knud turned to Martine, who shook her head. "I don't know either, it was Gilvi, Thora and the Kuusisaari twins who did much of the planning and so on. I only entered relatively late, I was the youngest back then," she said with a shrug.
"We won't assign colours to any of you just yet, Normally it's the first thing to be done, but this year is not normal," Knud said with a small laugh. "We're teaching grown-ups and children, total beginners and some that have an idea of what they are doing. But no matter what, we need teachers" Knud said. "And at least until Helge shows up I am the oldest," many of the old  apprentices laughed. Knud unrolled the big poster and hung it on the wall
"Well! Blue is for potions, and Monica, please stand up," Knud continued. Monica rose. "You have promised to teach us all potions until My arrives."
"Yes," Monica said, "until My arrives."
"Yellow is for flying and healing. Martine will continue with the flying lessons," Martine rose and was met with applause, most had already had the pleasure of riding or at least handling a broom under her tutelage.
"The healing part will me taken care of by Marit and Fiona, Marit is right now with Sandra, but Fiona please get up." She did and was met by energetic applause from Rasmus and his daughters and quite a few of the others.
"Green is for Nature magic, animals, familiars and such likes. Susan and I will have the pleasure," Knud said bowing to the collected wizards.
"Then Purple," Knud went on, "Purple is for Transformation and divination. Heidi is going to be master of transformations, and Jan will do divinations." They both rose and bowed, and was applauded. They sat down, and Knud continued again: "Then we have portals mastery, the Red ones, who also dabble in the finding out of good and evil. Finnbogi will come from time to time and give lessons and tuitions when he can for his work in Iceland." Finnbogi rose and had his applause.
"Now," Knud said, "I give the floor to Heidi. As it's still raining, we're not going on a field trip, but stay nice and dry here, looking and learning of transformations." He bowed to Heidi who rose.

... to be continued

2 kommentarer:

  1. It sounds like a good plan, as long as any evil is caught and kept away.

  2. I would love to be in the room and learning the lessons. They seem to have everything well organised. And now I remember Walther and Ella.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.