tirsdag den 1. februar 2022

Tirsdagstips :: Smør - Butter

   At smøre forme er nok den kedeligst del af det at bage en kage - og den der giver de mest fedtede fingre.
   Forleden skulle jeg bage en kage, hvor smørret skulle smeltes i en gryde. Som altid stillede jeg derefter gryden omvendt i formen, så det smør, der hænger ved gryden kunne dryppe ned i formen.
  Det dryppede bare ikke særligt meget, det var nok for koldt, men så fik jeg en lys idé. Inden jeg skrabede dejen ned i formen med dejskraberen, brugte jeg den til at srake smørret fra gryden ned i formen og fordele det. Vupti, smurt form. Ikke mere fedtede fingre, og der var faktisk smør nok til formen!

--  🥮 --

   Greasing moulds is probably the most tedious part of baking a cake - and the one that gets your fingers the most sticky.
   The other day I made a cake where the butter had to be melted in a pan. As always, I then placed the pan upside down in the mould so that the left over butter from the pan could drip into the mould.
  It just didn't drip very much, it was probably too cold, but then I had a bright idea. Before scraping the batter into the pan with the dough scraper, I used it to scrape the butter from the pan into the mould and distribute it. Voila! buttered mould. No more greasy fingers, and there was actually enough butter for the mould!

6 kommentarer:

  1. Well done you. I use a piece of grease-proof paper to spread the butter. And you are right, it isn't the best part of cake making. Not by a long way.

    1. Hehe, in this way I use no additional butter. I'm cheap that way.

  2. I use a small piece of greaseproof paper to spread the butter in a cake pan, unless I have melted butter, then I use a pastry brush to spread it around. Your idea is a good one too.

    1. I tried using a brush a couple of times, but I find that most of the butter ends up in the "hair" of the brush - even if I have one of those silicone-ones. And I use the scraper for the dough anyway, so no extra ting to wash up.
      Thank you.


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