fredag den 11. februar 2022

Fredagsfrustrationer - dåser og flasker -- Bottles and Cans

For nogen tid siden skrev jeg om pant på flasker og dåser. Nu var den så oppe og vende igen.
  Af nysgerrighed besluttede jeg så at se, hvor mange flasker og dåser, jeg kunne finde på en almindelig indkøbstur.

Resultatet var nedslående 
14 dåser med pant. Heraf 11 trampet flade, så maskinen ikke accepterer dem.
 1 dåse uden pant
 2 cacaomælks-flasker med låg (glas - uden pant)
 2 andre mælkeprodukter (Plast - uden pant)

     Stadig er panten på almindelige dåser og flasker 1 krone. Det har den som jeg skrev sidst, været siden februar 2004, hvor den blev sat ned fra 1,50. Hvis den istedet var fulgt med pristallet, burde den være på 2 kr. i dag. Men det mener jeg slet ikke er nok. 2 kroner er ikke et incitament for en almindelig dansker til at tage flasken eller dåsen med til supermarkedet igen. De unge har noget kørende med hvor flade man kan lave dåserne ved at stå på dem. De ældre stritter dem bare ud gennem bilruden.

     Det er er en opgave for EU: Panten bør være EU-dækkende - og så høj, at folk faktisk gider at aflevere flasken eller dåsen igen. Og hvorfor er der ikke pant på flasker til cacaomælk, vin og alkohol?
     Måske burde panten sættes op til en tier i stedet?

--  😡   --

Og så regner Uglemor med at Fredagsfrustrationerne overtager Tirsdagstæsk, det lyder bare bedre. Så for fremtiden er der altså udsigt til Tirsdagstips og Fredagsfrustrationer her på bloggen!

--   😦   💣   😡   --

  Some time ago I wrote about deposits on bottles and cans. Now we discussed similar subjects once again. And out of curiosity, I decided to see how many bottles and cans I could find on a regular shopping trip.

The result was disappointing
14 cans with a deposit. Of these, 11 were trampled flat so that the machine wouldn't accept them.
 1 can without a deposit
 2 cocoa milk bottles with lids (glass - no deposit)
 2 other milk products (plastic - no deposit)

     The deposit on ordinary cans and bottles is still 1 kroner. As I wrote, it has been like this since February 2004, when it was reduced from 1.50. If it had followed the price index, it should now be 2 kroner. But I don't think that's enough. 2 kroner is not an incentive for an ordinary Dane to take the bottle or can to the supermarket again. The young people have something going with how flat you can make the cans by standing on them. The elderly just throw them out through the car window.

     This is a task for the EU: the deposit should be EU-wide - and so expensive that people actually bother to return the bottle or can. And why are there no deposits on bottles of cocoa milk, wine and alcohol?
     Maybe the deposit should be set at 10 kroner instead?

--  😡   --

And then Uglemor thinks the Friday Frustrations will take over from Tuesdays Thumpings, as it sounds better. So from now on, Tuesday Tips and Friday Frustrations will be brought to you from this blog!

4 kommentarer:

  1. A very real frustration. We put those containers in our recycling bin, and in some parts of town people rat through the bin seeking those they can cash in. Mind you, the places you can cash them in here are nowhere near as convenient as the supermarket and require a special trip.

    1. That "rat through the bin"-part is what's missing here. It gives too little money for most people to care. But it's tough with hard to get at hand in places.
      Sorry I did not translate.

  2. Giggle translate did a good enough job that i understand what you intend by the post.

    There are no deposits to get back on bottles or cans here, but we pay for garbage/recycling to be picked up from our homes and all the bottles and cans can be put in the recycling bin.

    1. Thank you for trying to understand what I write. I have now translated. Sorry I did not do this before.
      No deposits, but recycling picked up at home sounds good too. We have that in addition to the deposit system ;) Only a couple of fractions are now at our homes (teh rest in clusters in central places), but it is slowly improving.


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