fredag den 20. november 2020

Vanter igen - Mittens again

      Så er vanterne færdige!   --  The mittens are finished!

Torsdag eftermiddag nåede jeg så langt!
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This is how far I made it before it was time to prepare dinner on Thursday.

Efter aftensmaden strikkede jeg vanterne færdige, men så skulle der hæftes ender. Tid for overspringshandlinger. Det skete i dag, i det herlige solskin.
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After dinner I finished the mittens, but sewing in the ends had to wait. It happened today, while the sun was shining happily.

Så meget garn var der tilbage - et sted mellem 3 og 4 gram.
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This is how much white yarn was left over from the 46 grams I began with - 3 or 4 grams!

5 kommentarer:

  1. You judged the needs of the project well. Experience has its benefits - and I hope that you have more sunny days to come.

    1. Just as WWW I have a digital scale. It help a lot, But I was prepared to ravel the first thumb if the yarn did not suffice. My scales is not accurate below 5 gram.

  2. I have a little digital weighing scales which helps considerably on these tight knitting projects! I love the mitts.


    1. Yes that's a big help. But sometimes you just have to hope anbd knit fast so as not to run out of yarn ;)
      Thank you.

  3. Knit fast so as not to run out, that is funny! The mittens look beautiful and warm.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.