mandag den 30. november 2020

Jessetræet - 1. uge i advent

Faktisk er jeg lidt sent på den. 1. uge i advent startede i går. Men bedre sent end aldrig.

More about the Jesse tree. For English speakers I recommend looking at Shower of Roses for a fine explanation.

Dette er også et jessetræ
1. uge    
Søndag 29. november - Læsning nr. 1 Jesse rod
      Es 11,1
Mandag 30.  - Læsning nr. 2 Skabelsen
      1 Mos 1,1-2,4
Tirsdag 1. december - Læsning nr. 3 Syndefaldet
      1 Mos 2 og 3
Onsdag 2.  - Læsning nr. 4 Noahs ark
      1 Mos 6-9
Torsdag 3.  - Læsning nr. 5 Abrahams forjættelser
      1 Mos 12-18 & 21,1-7
Fredag 4.  - Læsning nr. 6 Melchisedek
      Hebr 6,9-7,28
Lørdag 5.  - Læsning nr. 7 Isaks offer
      1 Mos 22,1-19

Billedet af et jessetræ øverst i højre sidebar fører til dagens tekst med en kort indledning og måske en idé til noget, man kan lave.

Godt nytår og velsignet første uge i advent

4 kommentarer:

  1. For some reason, Blogger often chooses YOUR blog to refuse to let me comment. I type my comment and instead of the dreaded word verification box the comment disappears.
    I will keep trying. And trying again.
    I know very little about most religions and am happy to learn. Thank you.

    1. I really can't explain why. To the best of my ability I have disabled all word and picture verification - I fear them as well, as I often have to click through 5 or even 8 "select all fire hydrants, traffic lights, parking meters and so on" before allowed to comment. I hope it straightens itself. At least now I again receive notification via e-mail that you commented.
      Try copying your comment before pressing Submit, that way you just have to paste it again, not re-type it.
      I do this when commenting on WP blogs, as they do not like me and often deletes my comments, I thought actually this was a WP versus Blogger thing, but as you have problems as well, then maybe not.

    2. At the moment every two days (for two days) I have to play the verification game on each and every blogger blog. Then it miraculously disappears.
      However in addition to those frustrations for some blogs (and yours is often one) I type in my comment, hit publish and it disappears. I do use the copy facility, but often have to wait an hour or more before my comment is accepted. Big sigh. And of course when I ask the blogger boffins I get no response.

  2. While i grew up with an Advent wreath and seeing a Jesse Tree at church, we never did the readings at home. Thank you for the link to explain more about it.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.