søndag den 15. november 2020

Sunday Selections - Da Vinci Baubles

Not so much has been happening in the photo department this week. The weather has been drippy and dreary, not inspiring for photos. The only ones I took was of my dinners for coming blog posts cum rant and then the ever returning da Vinci baubles. This is what you get, then.

72 tea bags for one da Vinci bauble.

Now I'm done folding. 18 squares are waiting in the box.

And then some days later sewing happened. Now the bauble is ready to be photographed. The weather collaborated in being only slightly overcast, and good for photos.

4 kommentarer:

  1. HOW I love your baubles. 72 teabags for each one? That is serious dedication (and tea drinking).

    1. I have tea drinking helpers in several places. And today I'm going to hand out baubles to some more dedicated tea drinkers.

  2. Very nice baubles, you do them so well!

    1. Thank you. I'm happy to report that the ones receiving the baubeles agreed.


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