mandag den 23. november 2020

Poetry Monday :: Showtime

Showtime. There's not much showtime over our lives right now, unless you count the antics of the governments, medias and so on.
Once again a pessimistic non-rhyme from an old, grumpy MotherOwl

When I turn on the radio - it's showtime
Juggling economics against our health.
Lifting our service against their wealth.
And as usual we lose out every time.

When I open the paper - losers crying
At baking competitions, Sports stars hurt,
New make up - see my shirt.
while the world is burning or dying.

When I watch the news - People protesting
Don't kill our mink, we pay our tax
Don't wear those masks, go anti-vax
While people stand in lines for the testing.

So it's showtime once again
Politicians in the ring
There's a queue at the sink.
Money always talk loudest, I think.

Urgh, that turned out bitter indeed.
I hope next week will be better, the theme next Monday will be: Festive Cards.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Bitter, maybe, but so TRUE!!! Next week is the Festive Card!

  2. Too right - I think it's about time our politicians, both at home and overseas, stopped playing to the camera and started to pull together. They seem to be more interested in their own appearances and gainsaying each other than getting stuck into the problems we are all facing.

  3. Sadly true. This is a show I do not want to watch, much less to be part of.


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