søndag den 29. november 2020

Exonerating Guard Parker

 Apologizing is the new black. MotherOwl also wants to apologize. For many years she has killed, abased, slandered and in every way possible besmirched poor Guard Parker.

Here you see him:

And here my most recent incarnation dressed in his Sunday best, offering him my sincerest apologies:
You can read the whole story on my World of Warcraft blog HERE.

3 kommentarer:

  1. What was that joke, that you have to excuse some people, and non-people, because they cannot help that they were born without much brain.

  2. Colour me confused, but a sincere apology is always welcome. And often the first step to a wonderful relationship.

  3. Oh, sorry to be confusing. It is mostly a joke; maybe a very crazy form of humour - I don't know. Making fun of things going on by aping or distorting it. A bit like Monty Pythons Not the Nine o'clock News. Or maybe better the Danish Team Easy On (Tour de France parody)
    First of all no offense intended.
    Two reasons:
    1. too many people / politicians apologizing to all and sundry. Sometimes for just doing their job as they saw it at that time.
    2. I have been harbouring a grudge toward this non-person (NPC = Non Player Character) in World of Warcraft for over 10 years. Time to say I'm sorry because I have spoken badly about him in fora, in public and everywhere else, And since I mistook his intentions, and he, as Mimi surmises can't help being what he is. I have to apologize.


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