torsdag den 19. november 2020

Vanter - Statistrikk - Mittens

     Ligesom Maria i Sound of Music elsker Uglemor varme, uldne vanter - dem af jer, der har læst med i længere tid, ved at Sound of Music har en særlig plads i Uglemors liv.
     Og når dagen nu snart kun er 8 timer lang, med udsigt til at blive endnu kortere før den bliver længere igen, skal der jo strikkes.

Opdateret - 19 November - Update

Man kan se, at det er morgenerne, der bliver mest mørkere. Øv!
The mornings are getting the lion's share of the shortening of the day. Eww!

18 November - Kilde

  Like Maria from The Sound of Music warm woollen mittens are a favourite of MotherOwl's. Long time readers will know that Sound of Music means something special to MotherOwl.
  And now, with the days being only a tad over 8 hours, and only getting shorter every day. Warm woollen mittens are a great thing to knit.

Tirsdag aften - Tuesday Night

     Den særligt norske ting var den måde, tommelfingeren er lavet på. I stedet for en kile, er det  ... tja sådan lidt kræmmerhusagtigt.
     Men efter at have forfulgt sporene fra Statistrikks blog over Jorun Holmens blog til Give a Hoot fra Kelbourne Woolens - hvor mønsteret ikke ligger længere. Det er en en opskrift, som jeg faktisk allerede havde i min "Skal strikkes-kø" på Ravelry, hvor den altså heller ikke er at finde mere ... så er det lige før, jeg må sige at de er mere amerikanske end norske, altså!
     Men derfor må jeg nu prøve alligevel.

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  The Norwegian thing about these mittens were for me the way in which the thumb is made.
  But following a meandering trace from Statistrikk's blog over Jorun Holmen's blog to Give a Hoot from Kelbourne Woolens - where the pattern is no longer available, to Ravelry, where I had it in my  in my To-be-knit-index, and no longer to be found there any more. Well that detail might prove more American than Norwegian after all, but I'll have to try it anyway.

Onsdag efter frokost - Wednesday after lunch

     Som altid er det garn fra "tønden" det vil sige, noget jeg har liggende. Så der var et nøgle hver af rødt, hvidt og lilla (Tråden i tommelfingeren). Oven i købet var der brugt af det hvide nøgle - det vejede 46 gram. Derfor venter jeg med at strikke tommeltotten indtil den højre vante også er færdig. Det kan jo ske, at den må strikkes i rødt. Men jeg kommer ikke til at bruge det lilla.
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  As always the yarn is from my stash. I had one each of white, red and purple (the thread in the thumb stitches). And the white one was opened, it weighed in at 46 grams. I'll wait with the thumb until both mittens are done. Maybe I'll have to knit then in red. But I won't have to use the purple yarn.

10 kommentarer:

  1. It is a very, very long time since I have worn mittens, but I do admire yours.

    1. I envy uyou living in a place where you can do without mittens. My fingers get cold. Very. So I wear mittens from at least now through March.
      Thank you. These are testers, bu will be worn.

  2. Handsomely made, MotherOwl - and I think red thumbs would be a feature, not a bug, as they say in technology :)

    1. Thakn you, i ended up with just enough yarn for white thumbs. I migth make some more multicoloured later on. I hopåe all is well with you and hubby.

  3. I love these! I loved knitting mittens, must try some again. You inspire!!


    1. thank you. knittin mitten is a nice thing, ass the end is in sight very quickly.

  4. I like the colour of your mitten.
    I have never seen this type of thumb gusset, is it difficult to construct?
    My stash of UFO mitts and wrist warmers is growing ... I plan to finish some of them and either wear of gift them. I love knitting mittens!

    1. Thank you. The gusset was new to me as well, and the main reason why I wanted to knit these mittens. It's not difficult, just differnt, and the fit is good. I think, as I say in thiis post, that the idea may be american, making it easier for you to try.
      Gifting of home knit - and I suspect home dyes as well - mittens sounds nice.

  5. My hands get very cold, too, and i found my gloves the other day, just in time.

  6. Good for you. Mittens., or gloves are necessary this tinme of year.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.