fredag den 27. november 2020

Mere cirkelstrik -- More Circular Knitting

Gæt en  frugt!
Den er strikket. Det er en frugt. Den er ikke færdig endnu.
Færdigt billede og løsning følger i morgen, når lyset igen er til billeder. 

 Guess a Fruit
It is knit. It's a fruit. It's not finished yet.
A picture of the finished fruit and the solution will follow; tomorrow when daylight allows photographing again.

Det er stadig Statistrikk der er inspirationen. Jeg sad i toget og strikkede på en citron, mens jeg tænkte over, hvilke frugter, man ellers kunne skære over for at få sjove cirkler. Jeg har flere ideer. Lad os nu se.

I still get my inspiration from Statistrikk.  I wanted to see if other fruits than citruses would give fun circles. I have more ideas, so more circles are bound to follow.

-- 🍋🍎🍏 --

Og hvis du nu sidder og undrer dig over at mine cirkler ikke er færdige, cirkelformede,  ... Så er løsningen tofold.
1. Jeg gider ikke bruge krudt og garn på at strikke en hel cirkel, jeg ikke kan bruge, når jeg er færdig med ideen.
2. Jeg kan faktisk bruge de her 6/8 cirkler til noget.

If you sit and think: "But MotherOwl this is not a circle .. you're not done" you're right. The solution is a two-for-one.
1. I'm not in the mood to use time and yarn to knit my test-circles all the way. When I find out how, I stop.
2. I can actually use these 6/8ths of a circle.

-- 🍋🍎🍏 --

     Det første, jeg strikkede, var en lille, kulørt citrus-lignende sag. Den anden var en blå-appelsin 6/8 færdig.
     Vores køkkenvask er fejlkonstrueret, så al vand, der bliver spildt på bordet, løber hen og lægger sig bag vandhanen. Og det er adskilligt lettere at placere en karklud (allerhelst en halv karklud) der, end at forsøge at opdrage 6 ugleunger til at tørre bordet grundigt ... hver gang ... eller hvad det faktisk endte med. Uglemor tørrer bordet af 117 gange om dage.
     Blåappelsinen var en smuk løsning på dette problem.

  The first thing I knit was a small circular many-coloured citrussy thing. The second was a blue orange. 6/8 done.
  Our sink in the kitchen has an inbuilt peculiarity, letting all the water spilled gather around the tap.  And it's way easier to place a dishcloth - or even better half a dishcloth - there than try to teach six Owlets to dry the table after every single use ... or what it turned into ... MotherOwl wiping off the table eleventysomething times a day.
  The blue orange was an elegant solution to this.

8 kommentarer:

  1. My non knitting self is blown away by any knitter and circular knitting makes my mind boggle.
    Your solution to the tap issue is brilliant. I could most definitely use one here. Which has me wondering. It is obviously a common problem and in my eyes anyway proof positive that the taps were designed and tested by men...

    1. I was a non-knitter until 8 years ago. It's never too late ;)
      Why should men be worse designers than women? I always blame smart-a**ses for this, as I know several designers, and they say that smarties - designing for looks and not for comfort - come in all varieties (sex, colour, religion etc) ;)

    2. You are right and I am justifiably chastised. Sadly my culture often values appearance more than function - in people and in objects.

    3. You're right. It's a cultural thing. I just saw the plans for a new community centre in our nearest town. My first thought was Oh my, how ugly. Look at this! Ugly We're many, trying to beautify the everyday life, but till now ugliness has been in vogue.

    4. Thanks for the link. Not to my taste. I often wonder looking an new, expensive and much lauded buildings how long they will last and whether any one will admire them long after the architects and builders are dead. I suspect not, but could well be wrong. Again.

    5. That is exactly how I think too. Do you have a guess as to which fruit I have knit?

  2. The designers don't have to clean their own designs, i think, that is why they go for looks and not utility. If i ever get to build a home the way i want it, everything will be done for ease of use and comfort, not just looks.

    You are a wonderful knitter, and yes, that's a clever solution to your sink and counter problems.

    1. Thank you.

      I'm very demanding. If I ever find the money to renew our worn out kitchen, I want bot. Eay use, easy cleaning AND nice looks. It was possible in days gone by It must be possible now as well.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.