mandag den 30. november 2020

Poetry Monday :: Festive Card

  I suddenly saw festive cards for my inner eye. Dressed up in tuxedoes, bow ties and top hats, and the lady cards in wonderful dresses with layers of ruffles, diamonds, bright colours and so on.

A Festive Card:
A festive card dressed up
In bow tie and a tux
felt very lonely.
In a row he had his ducks
And he felt festive, yup!

He looked around with glee
At cards of red and gold.
But nowhere saw he
As he was surely told
The lady card - the She!

He saw a lot of santas
And ten elf in a row
Amazing creatures.
He saw winter wreaths and snow
Even a praying mantis.

He gave a mighty sigh
And went home oh so sad
Felt very lonely.
But now I have to add.
The lady was nearby.

For in a drawer tight
A deck of cards was sat
Almost forgotten.
And there he tipped his hat at
The queen of Hearts. Goodnight

Next Monday: Festive Traditions

6 kommentarer:

  1. Smiling, wistfully at your beautiful image. We do indeed all need someone to love (and preferably someone to be loved by as well).

    1. Yes. I feel very lucky to have a very patient and wonderful hubby.

  2. What an imaginative interpretation of the theme. Well done, Charlotte! Maybe he'll have better luck on St Valentine's Day.

    1. Hah! Yes I bet he will!
      Thank you. I've got to remember him once valentine's Day comes around.

  3. So sweet! There's definitely someone for everyone! Super job, Charlotte!

  4. Wonderful! The Queen of Hearts is always your best bet, as the rock group The Eagles sang in the song Desperado.


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