søndag den 22. november 2020

Statistrikks citrusser

      Uglemor ville ikke være Uglemor hvis hun ikke skulle lege lidt mere med Statistrikks cirkelstrik. Det var citrusfrugterne, der fascinerede. Men hvidt garn er en mangelvare i Uglebo - en bivirkning ved også at kunne lide plantefarvning.
     Det hvide bundt, jeg brugte til vanterne, er undtagelsen, der bekræfter reglen. Så jeg måtte på jagt i kasser og poser før jeg fandt et bittelille bundt hvidt uldgarn, der lagt tredobbelt kunne bruges til at hækle kanten rundt på den spraglede "citrus"frugt.

  MotherOwl would not be MotherOwl if she did not have to try Statistrikk's Citrus fruit knitting. There's just one tiny problem. White wool. MotherOwl is always on the look out for white wool for the dye pot. And this means that white wool in the Owlery does not stay white, it gets dyed! The slightly used hank from the mittens was the exception. I had to hunt through several crates and bags to find a small hank of white, just enough to crochet around this many coloured fruit.

     Nu skal den en tur i vaskemaskinen og filte. Det bliver spændende - mit uld plejer kun at filte i vaskemaskinen, når jeg ikke vil have det.

  Now it's going into the washing machine for felting. I look forward to this, as wool normally only felt, when I do not want it to, not when I want to.

4 kommentarer:

  1. That's so colorful! The bit of white was put to a wonderful purpose.

  2. I hope that blogger will allow me to comment this time. This is my fourth attempt using two separate browsers.
    I like this piece - and am impressed at the effective use you made of that tiny sliver of white yarn.

    1. Blogger acting up again, oh my ... I hope it's getting better again.
      Thank you I hope to have more to show off ;) soon.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.