torsdag den 20. juli 2023

Words for Wednesday :: Using the Words.

In July I am supplying the Words for Wednesday.

For more go HERE

I pre-sceduled all the Words for Wednesdays posts back in January, so the Words are as new to me as they are to you. I really do not remember choosing them 🙂 I have, as is my wont, taking up the additional challenge of using the Words in the order they were given.

The Words:

A wedge of geese
Huff and puff
A knot of toads

What I wrote:
Dropping the crate of dates in the grass was not on my plan for laying the coffee table in the garden, but a wedge of geese began honking just as they flew over our house, the sound surprised me, and I dropped the crate. The Writer opened the door to the shed and returned with the children's shovel I used for cleaning the chicken coop. When I asked him what for, he told me that the mole, his old enemy had been active again.

With a lot of huffing and puffing he dug away at the mole hills using the tiny shovel, while I picked up all the date and cleaned them meticulously. Tea was ready at 11 o'clock despite the difficulties. We always treasure our morning tea break, and do our best to have it in the garden whenever possible.

As we sat, still savouring the tea, crackers with cheese, and dates, a knot of toads began their croaking concert in a nearby pond. We listened to the loud, cacophonous chorus and the Writer expressed his happiness that the invention of ear plugs was done in the past. For sure the happy chorus else would have been waking us up early for many mornings to come.
Not based on any true story 😉

7 kommentarer:

  1. That sounds like a delightful place and way to have morning tea.

    1. It is. We often have tea like this, but the crazy happenings were all just my fantasy running wild.

  2. Still a nice story, and i hope you do have tea in the garden when you want to.

    1. Whenever it is not toocold or too wet, we do have tea in the garden. And dates :)

  3. This is lovely, I remember enjoying picnics in the garden with my children when they were small. I agree the invention of earplugs is something to be thankful for.

    1. Garden picnics are nice, and so are our outdoor tea times. I do not think we even own a pair of earplugs .. as I told EC all the crazyness here is pure invention.

  4. I don't know about the sounds of toads but I don't think I'll like them to wake me up. Good use of the prompts.

    Have a lovely day.


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