onsdag den 5. juli 2023

Words for Wednesday :: July 5 & IWSG

It is Wednesday. And this means time for Words for Wednesday!

Endnu engang undskyld til danske læsere. Det bliver ikke til noget på dansk i dag.

This challenge was started by Delores a long time ago. Troubles led her to bow out, but the challenge was too much fun to let go, and now the Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss. Use all Words, some Words or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement. 

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   All Wednesdays in July the Words are provided by me and published here on this blog.

Go HERE for the Words and to read how other used them.

   I pre-sceduled all the Words for Wednesdays posts back in January, so the Words are as new to me as they are to you. I really do not remember choosing them 🙂
   It is still Wednesday here ... 17 minutes to go, as I click Publish, and as usual I am using the Words in the order they were given.

     Today's Words:

A brood of chicken

Flames all around was what met our eyes in the morning as the trip ended. Like a brood of chicken we ran around, heedless of the other people, without any real idea of where we were going.

In the end it was the pancakes that saved the day. One thinking better than the others, started a fire with a spark from the great fire, and began baking pancakes.

As the smell of pancakes baking reached the nostrils of the milling people, they realized they were hungry and congregated on the campfire like leprechauns on a rainbow. The news of the garden to the east reached the bewildered crowd like bread to a hungry man. Suddenly everyone had a purpose, even the small ones. All wanted to reach that fabled garden. 

I know Pudding is missing.

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July 5 question - 99% of my story ideas come from dreams. Where do yours predominantly come from?

My answer - I have a few stories coming from dreams, and it is a hard fight to keep the dream-like atmosphere while at the same time telling the story in a way other people can understand and enjoy.
     Many of my stories actually come from daydreams ;) and a lot also arise from ordinary things happening, from me seeing the absurd in daily life and creating stories around them to make rhyme and reason to those things.

14 kommentarer:

  1. This is an intriguing snippet. I long to hear more about that garden to the east.
    And am always delighted with your stories - where ever they come from.

    1. Thank you ... garden to the east ... when reading it here it suddenly reminds me of the Garden of Eden - maybe this snippet is post-apocalyptic :)

  2. I know I commented on this post for Words For Wednesday. I wrote a mini-story with all the words, but my comment has disappeared.
    Olga Godim from https://olgagodim.wordpress.com/

    1. Following your link from the Comments section takes me to this here post, where I use the word, your story is here: WfW. In the plave where I announce the words. Sorry to have confused you.

    2. I added a link to my post - hope this helps.

  3. I thought of pancakes just this morning but in the end I had my usual porridge breakfast.

    1. Pancakes in the morning is very exotic for me ;) We normally eat yohgurt with cereals, or bread and jam / honey. Porridge was normal when I was a child, not so any more.

  4. 99% of my story ideas come from one word in the list jumping itself into a sentence in my mind and then the rest of the story flows from that. Sometimes I am influenced by a book I am reading, less often by a dream. I rarely remember my dreams.

    1. The Words for Wednesday often jogs my memory, they make me remember fun, incongruous or exciting things from my life. I also very seldom remember my dreams, and when I do they are either totally boring everyday things or totally absurd. Only once in a while, I think 5 in total, has been writing stuff.

  5. I like pancakes. A shame I don't know how to make them.

    I think most people think up things to write about while doing ordinary things as you say. It's that way with me as well. I don't daydream or remember the dreams I had at night.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Don't you know how to make pancakes? Look it up. It's like one of the easiest things to cook after scrambled eggs, and the difference to store bougth ones is immense!
      Yes, weeding, bathing, berry picking, doing dishes ... all those everyday things where you use only 1/4 or less of your brains for the task at hand is excellent for creative ideas.

  6. Daydreams and a word sparking an idea are great places to start. I do like your story, i hope everyone enjoyed those pancakes.

  7. The morning news on the TV was still focused on the flames decimating the forests up north, so Tony turned it off and came into the kitchen to find out about breakfast.

    “What’s on the menu this morning love?” “Josie has requested pancakes,” I replied, “she says I make them better than anyone else, but we used up the eggs last night with the bread pudding, so you’ll have to take a trip down to the bottom garden and get some. Take Josie with you, she would love to see the new brood of chickens that hatched yesterday.”

    “Great idea,” said Tony, “where is she?” “Getting dressed,” I said, “Why don’t you help with her boots.”

    Off he went and I soon heard him asking if she’d like Gramps to help with the boots. “We’ll go down to the henhouse and get Gramma the eggs she needs for the pancakes and maybe there will be new baby chickens to see.”

    “I’ll carry the small basket,” said Josie. “Will the baby chickens be golden yellow like the ducklings that hatched last week?” "I think they might be speckled like their mama," said Tony.

  8. thecontemplativecat here. I think I left out a word or two.

    Her brood of chickens were chasing around the garden in a cackling fury. It was 5 am morning and Martha groaned at the noise, opening the window to behold a mild fowl stampede, slamming her head into the glass. It could have gone better, but rainbow colors swirled around her head.

    The news was bad. The poor golden yellow chicks chirped around as they were chased around by a small cat who was crazy on a good day. The obnoxious rooster, named Flame for no reason, chased it about until the cat was gone.

    Martha wandered to the kitchen to whip up some pancakes, along with some bread pudding. It needed a boat load of eggs, but Lord knew that she had a lot from yesterday.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.