mandag den 17. juli 2023

Poetry Monday :: Emojis

     I dag er temaet for Mandagsdigtet. Emojis. Ja, de der :) smiley-tingester 😉.
     I lang tid var jeg med i en udfordring, der hed Simple Daily Drawing. Men de er ikke Simple mere, så jeg er stoppet med at følge den udfordring.
     Mens jeg var en del af udfordringen, var temaet både Gnomer og Emojier, jeg er ikke rigtigt i stødet til et digt, men jeg vil gerne vise mine gnomer og emoji'er frem så her kommer de i tilfældig rækkefølge.
-- 🙂 --
     Today's theme for Poetry Monday is Emojis. Yes, those :) smiley things 😉.
     For a long time I was part of a challenge called Simple Daily Drawing. But they stopped being Simple, so I stopped following that challenge.
     While I was part of the challenge, both of the themes Gnomes and Emojis came up, I'm not really in the mood for a poem, but I want to show off my gnomes and emojis so here they are in random order.

--  😇 --

Til en start vil jeg gerne have lov at præsentere mine gnomer. Først fru Abelone,  den venlige gnom ...
-- 😀 --
Allow me to present my Gnomes. Ladies first, Mrs Abelone the smiling gnome ...

Og hr. Habakuk, den gnavne gnom  --  😀  --  And Mr. Habakuk, the Grumpy Gnome.

Så til nogle emojier -- 😆 -- And now for some emojis.

31. december 2022 tegnede jeg "You have been Cyber-mooned",
en Emoji (_|_) jeg faldt over på nettet ... men hvor?

December 31, 2022 I drew "You have been cyber-mooned"
an emoji (_|_) I saw somewhere on the 'web ... but where?

-- 😁 --

29. December var temaet Creative Emoticon og nok
engang måtte mine gnomer, Habakuk og Abelone, holde for.
-- 😠 -- 😄 --
December 29th, for the theme Creative Emoticons,
my gnomes once again came to the rescue.
-- 🥦 --

28. A Romantic Tale of Broccoli

-- 🧁 --

 Muffin: Gnomen Habakuk prøver på at lade som om han er en muffin. Skægget afslører ham.

-- 😋 --

16. Helicopter Ride ~ Habakuk

-- 😒 --

23. Chevron

-- 💚 --
22. Starts with L

-- 😝 --

26. Starts with M

Next Mondays topic: Cousins

14 kommentarer:

  1. Hvor er de bare fine, søde og sjove- Altså den med Habakuk som muffin er da bare herlig😂

    1. Tak skal du have. Jeg får jo helt lyst til at tegne flere.

  2. Smiling. And loving your creativity.

    1. Thank you. Maybe more gnomes to come ;) your encouragement is helpful.

  3. I LOVE your gnomes, you talented woman, you! Soooo cute! And that emoji of the cyber moon is hilarious!

    1. Thanks a lot. I still wonder where i found it.

  4. These are clever and fun! I'm so glad you shared them today.

    1. Thanks. With all these positive comments I might revive them.

  5. I love your gnomes, they look very Viking, as they should, being Danish.

    1. I haven't thought of this. They are not very war-like these two ;) But yes, those small wooden souvenirs ... I see the likeness.

  6. These are cute. I really like Smiling gnome, Mrs Abelone. I think her charisma makes me want to smile.

    Have a lovely day.

    P.S. it's lissa from 'postcard from the bookstore', google refused to let me sign in even after 8 times.

    1. Thank you. Both for a nice comment and for persisting. Something was not as it should be with Blogger most of the last day. Now it seems OK again, and I hope you can comment now.

  7. thecontemplativecat here. Here is what I have created with your words:
    An interesting collection of words!

    Evelyn had selected her favorite scarf, one covered in golden yellow flowers. Her favorite shoes were by the door and she stepped out by her gnome. She named him “Jimmy" and he had lost the battle with an unlucky major windstorm last week. A sweet bevy of quail had been swept them away, covering them with a swirl of leaves and branches.

    She gazed at the wind damage, looking up to see another on its way. She picked roses, promptly sticking her fingers with thorns. She sighed and stepped back inside. “Another day, another wind…” Oh, well.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.