Som vores vært Elephant's Child siger så tit, Kom med!
As our host, EC, so often says, come walk with me.
As our host, EC, so often says, come walk with me.
Pindsvinekugle, tidselkugle -- Echinops ritro, Southern globethistle
Jo, de er faktisk så blå -- They really are this blue
Jo, de er faktisk så blå -- They really are this blue
Regnvåde hindbær -- Rain wet Raspberries
Kaprifolie, gedeblad (det er hvad kaprifolie betyder) -- Lonicera -- Honeysuckle
Rosengalle, hjem for rosengalhvepsen -- Diplolepis rosae --Moss gall, home of the gall wasp.
Regnvåde valnødder -- Rain wet walnuts
Fire GYLDENGULE planter -- Four GOLDEN plants
Frøsøen med regndryp og masser af andemad -- The Pond with raindrops and lots of Duck weeds.
Klokken-otte-blomster -- Oenothera biennis -- Evening primrose
En anden slags GULD -- Another kind of GOLD
Og som afslutning et job for River, hvis hun boede i nærheden
And finally a task for River, if only she lived close by
And finally a task for River, if only she lived close by
Beautiful! I like your garden.
SvarSletThe bee i photographed was a near to a golden yellow, now that i think about it.
It sure is ... as is some of your sunsets and the tree behind that strangely shedding one ;) There's always loads of gold if you look.
SletI was very, very happy to walk with you through your rain bejewelled garden. Thank you
SvarSletThank you. I think my garden is at its best right now.
SletI love your garden, especially the honeysuckle which I can breathe the scent from and not suffer any allergic reaction. The poor little gnome does need sprucing up.
SvarSletThank you. I like mells, butnot much smell if you iunderstand., I'm not allergic, only sensitive ;) Like I do not like to walk into the aisle with washing powder etc. in the supermarket.
SletI'm sorry that you cannot comt to the aid of my poor gnome.
Du har rigtig mange fine planter/blomster i din have- pindsvinekugle- har den flotteste blå farve.
SvarSlet-Og hold da op din havenisse har været på(hårdt) havearbejde ☺️
Tak, min have er ret vild ;) og den blå farve er fantastisk.
SletOg ja, havenissen har været på hårdt arbejde siden jeg købte ham i et tysk byggemarked i 2003 - han trænger til en kærlig hånd ;)
SvarSletThank you!