tirsdag den 11. juli 2023

Words for Wednesday July 12, -- The Words

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Troubles led her to bow out, but the meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

  Essentially the aim of this meme is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given some prompts. These prompts can be words, phrases, music or images.

  Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog. This fun meme includes cheering on the other participants.

  And the more the merrier goes here as well, so if you are posting on your own blog then please tell us in the comments, so that all other participants, can come along and applaud.

This post goes live at 14.01 Tuesday my time, as will the coming ones where I supply the prompts.
I have found out - hopefully correct - that 2 pm Tuesday my time is when Wednesday begins in Sydney.

For today the prompt are
A bevy of quail

15 kommentarer:

  1. It seems my timing is wrong ;) It is midnight in Sydney now, not two hours ago. I'll correct the upcoming posts.

  2. Thank you for the prompts, i'll get on it soon.

  3. aura wrapped her scarf tightly around her neck, pulled on her sturdiest shoes and headed into the woods to see what damage had been done in the ferocious wind storm of the night before. There were plenty of leaves and branches down, but the damage didn’t appear to be major. The birds were singing again and a bevy of quail hustled across the path in front of her.
    She headed for home again. Flowers in her garden had been flattened, but it was her unlucky garden gnome who had fared worst. He was face down in the flower bed, and his fingers fell off as she picked him up. Could he be repaired? Not by Laura, but she hoped her friend River would step up. River repaired her friends often – and did SUCH a good job. If Laura was lucky Mac the gnome’s paint would get spruced up too.

    1. My bad: The Golden-Yellow flowers in her garden had been flattened.

    2. I like this and I'm sure "river" could fix the gnome as long as the broken pieces aren't too shattered.

    3. Oh, I like this. Soon River will open a gardengnome repair shop :D

  4. An interesting set of words, I have no idea what I will do with a bevy of quails though.

  5. EC, i do like your story, and i'm sure friend River will be glad to work on the gnome.

  6. Here is mine:
    I stood with my grandmother and watched as a bevy of quail crossed the yard to the feed tray. Gran pulled her golden yellow scarf tighter around her neck against the wind as we stopped momentarily in a patch of sunshine and discussed yesterday’s wedding. “I worried about it,” she said, “a wedding on Friday the 13th would be unlucky I thought, but it all turned out so well.”
    “It was a beautiful wedding,” I said, keeping an eye on my shoes as we moved across the grass, Grandma’s ducks had been free ranging earlier and I didn’t want to step in anything yucky. “He seems like the perfect match for our Cheryl too, but who was that man standing at the back? I heard someone say he was the wedding planner but he had a funny name, something I’ve never heard before.”
    “His name is Khoral Kai,” I said. “He has been living in Pete’s old lighthouse for several years now, you must have heard of him.” “Oh!” she said, “the alien! Now I remember. I’m afraid my mind might be slipping a bit, I am 93 now you know.” “I do know that Grandma and I hope to live as long as you, but it is getting chilly now, we need to get back inside before our fingers freeze!”
    “You’re right, let’s just pick a few flowers first, and some mint leaves for a cup of tea too.” We turned towards the house as the wind picked up and tree branches began to sway more wildly. “There’s a major storm expected,” said Grandma, “we need to make sure all the shutters are securely locked and I’m glad your Dave got the generator ready to run. You know, I’ve never seen that alien before, I should get out more, I kind of expected him to look a bit like a gnome, like that ET in that film we saw when you were a child. He did a really good job, all the colours co-ordinated so beautifully and the cake was a work of art."

    1. This is lovely - and it is nice to see more of Khoral Kai.

    2. Lovely story, and thanks for a glimpse of Khoral Kai, I miss him.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.