tirsdag den 18. juli 2023

Words for Wednesday July 19, The Words

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Troubles led her to bow out, but the meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

  Essentially the aim of this meme is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given some prompts. These prompts can be words, phrases, music or images.

  Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog. This fun meme includes cheering on the other participants.

  And the more the merrier goes here as well, so if you are posting on your own blog then please tell us in the comments, so that all other participants, can come along and applaud.

This post goes live at 16.01 Tuesday my time, as will the last one where I supply the prompts.
I have found out - hopefully now correct - that this is when Wednesday begins in Sydney.

For today the prompt are
A wedge of geese
Huff and puff
A knot of toads

27 kommentarer:

  1. Svar
    1. Yes - a spelling mistake. Exacerbated by the fact that showel gets in excess of 8000000 hits on Google - I'm not alone ;) Spellchecker seems not to know the word, I forgot to spell check. I will correct thanks!

    2. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing a translation

    3. I'm not translating ;) I used an English book for these words. Just a spello.

  2. Svar
    1. I thought i'd left a link, i must be losing my mind. My words are over here,

    2. But you did. Only during the night Blogger marked BOTH as spam. They are now back.

  3. I checked just after midnight our time and yes, it was published then. Interestingly I don't think that anyone who plays this meme does come from Sydney. Sorry I seem to have come from the dark side with my contribution.
    Sadly I am sure that most politicians (the world over) have little or no empathy for the people they supposedly represent and serve. Too often they seem to regard people who are different or disadvantaged as the enemy. The only dates they seem to pay any attention to is the election date when the clock of their tenure is running down.
    They support the high flyers and for them to develop a plan which will feed the hungry and protect the precious world we live in is as likely as that the sun will come up blue tomorrow, shining from a golden yellow sky on a wedge of geese who are busy ensuring that a knot of toads in the far corner of the garden is adequately fed.
    How I wish I there was an invention that would ensure that we elected a treasure. A treasure who didn’t ensure that his (and it is still mostly his) own interests were looked after first.
    A pox on both their houses. It would be nice be able to huff and puff and blow them down, or simply shovel them out the door. Which I suppose it what elections are for.

    1. Nicely said, EC. We have a couple of local politicians i happen to know who really care about people and try their best, but they are not the kind who will be elected to major offices as they don't "play the game."

    2. The trouble with electing "treasures" is they still have to work with, and get stymied by, the parties backing them and the opposition.

    3. Quite bleak, yes, but also quite true unfortynately.
      Thanks for confirming my timing ;)

    4. ... and aren't Sydney and Canberra both in the same time zone? I'll just erase Sydney and replace with Canberra then ;)

    5. We are indeed in the same time zone. Don't bother erasing Sydney though - many people (including Sydneysiders consider it our nation's capital).

    6. Elephant's Child: Doesn't seem very dark to me as it's kind of true, isn't it?

      Have a lovely day.

  4. I'm not sure what I can do with a knot of toads, but I'll work on it.

    1. I look forward to seeing where a knot of toads bring you.

    2. ... and you did amazingly well ;) Thianks.

  5. Here it is:
    A knot of toads squatted in the corner of the field, staring balefully at all who passed. Imprisoned by Aaron, he of the golden yellow eyes, they were to remain there until the last wedge of geese had flown south for the summer. They had caused far too much trouble in fairyland this season and Aaron was sure a spell of immobilisation would be good for them, at the very least they would come to realise their plan to take over the fishing pond had made them the enemy of all who swam and fished there.
    They had also buried the door into the grassy hillock under piles of mud this morning as they dug out wider sections of the pond. Teams of pixies and elves took turns with the shovel to clear the door, the huff and puff of their exertion could be heard for many miles. Fairies flitted between the trees bringing down dates for the teams to eat between digging shifts.
    Aaron watched the diggers and wheels began to turn in his head. An invention was forming in his mind. Some kind of digging machine must be possible he thought. A treasure worth working towards, but not today. The last shovel full of dirt was thrown aside and the door to the interior was finally pulled open just as the clock inside struck six. ‘Hooray! Hooray!” shouted the diggers. “It’s dinnertime!” They hustled off to the pond where they pulled up buckets of water to clean themselves off before rushing to the tables where the gnomes (it was their turn) were setting out the daily feast.

    1. River: I love the places your imagination took you (and us) with this piece. Thank you.

  6. The clock was ticking away on the knot of toads as they huff and puff looking for a sure invention that would lead them to the right treasure.

    1. Mike: I wonder what is treasure for a knot of toads?

    2. Nicely done, and i'd imagine their treasure is something edible.

    3. Short and nice story. Frog-treasure? something like a lot of flies ;)

  7. So I'm a bit late, well, very late. Here's the my use of the prompts (two weeks of them so it's a bit longer than usual), Fiction: Miss Grace and the Bet.

    Thanks for the prompts.

    Have a lovely day.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.