søndag den 2. juli 2023

Sunday Selections :: July so far

Juli indtil videre :: Søndagsbilleder

Den 1. juli var jeg i en havebutik hvor der også var en pilefletter. Jeg var meget vild med de her mangefarvede kløvere, der desværre ikke var til salg.
July 1st I visited a working garden with plant sales and a basket weaver. I was fascinated by the polychrome clovers - unfortunately they were not for sale.

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Fransk sideflet - endelig fik jeg et navn på denne her flettemetode, som jeg har været betaget af i over ti år.
The basket weaver had made this basket - and I finally had a name for a weaving method that first caught my eye more than ten years ago - unfortunately not in English though.

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En af de sjove ting var en gammel murstensform. Jg kan ikke læse hvad der står, dels er det spejlvendt, dels tror jeg det er kyrillisk eller en anden skrift.
Another interesting thing was this mould for bricks. I cannot read the inscription, not even when flipping the photo. I suspect it to be written in Cyrillic or another alphabet.

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I dag, søndag var vi i kirke - vejret var mere efterår end sommerferie, og vi blev gennemblødte på vej til busstoppestedet, ca 400 meter! Men modne kornmarker er altid smukke.
Today, Sunday, we went to church. As always with the start of the summer holidays the weather turns bad, cold, windy and rain. We were soaked walking to the busstop, approximately 400 meters. But a ripe field of grain looks golden and promising no matter what.

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Irma i Hillerød er lukket, skiltene pillet ned, og der kommer et discountsupermarked i stedet. Ord kan ikke udtrykke hvad jeg mener, så jeg lader billedet her tale for mig.
Irma Hillerød, the good, organic, and so on supermarket is closed, and a discount shop is taking over. Words cannot describe what I think. I've better let this photo speak for me.

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Blomster fra vores kiwi revet ned i stormen. De er også smukt gyldne.
Flowers from our kiwi torn off in the wind. They are golden!

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Præstens krus står der her. Det står i kirken i Hillerød, og det får mig altid til at smile.
The priest's mug. This mug lives in the church in Hillerød, and it always makes me smile.

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Og der var masser af gyldne ting i dette indlæg.
This post contains a big amount of golden objects.

6 kommentarer:

  1. The clover is beautiful and so are all the golden yellows in your world. I am so sorry Irma is finally closed and i do hope you get more summer-like weather soon.

    1. Thank you. We're many being sad. It is a stupid decision, and I'm afraid one that will harm the chain behind this.
      I so hope for more summer soon.

  2. I am so sorry that Irma closed.
    Both the clover and the basket are beautiful - and I hope you see a lot more golden yellow soon.

    1. Thank you, July is the "golden month" normally, So I sure hope to.

  3. I have never seen such pretty clover. Can you print the brick mould picture and hold it to a mirror in various angles? Or take it to a museum or somewhere bricks are made and maybe they will know more about it?

    1. I have a small, straggling tuft of the black clovers, I recently planted them somewhere new and hope they survive.
      With the brick mould we tried looking in a mirror in the garden-shop, and at home I tried flipping the photo, still it does not show me meaningfull letters, that's why I suspect a non-latin type. I think I'll try asking people smarter than me ;)


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.