onsdag den 9. marts 2022

Words for Wednesday -- No Story

The Words for Wednesday is a movable feast, celebrating writing.

This month, March, the prompts can be found at River's place Drifting Through Life.

And this is a The more, the merrier kind of endeavour, so Please, remember to follow the links, go and read other peoples' stories.
And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement.
We ALL need encouragement.

The words are:

And these last couple of days showcase my eternal problem: ENDINGS! I have no problem beginning a story (or anything else for that matter), continuing, and producing words by the million, but endings, finishings ... not so much.

I know what to write, I know how this chapter will end and where to go from there. The words are fine for that purpose, not super inspiring, but I see where they fit in. I sit myself down to write, and then ... nothing. Blank paper, or screen actually.

I'm so sorry. I hope that something will give, the dam break, or whatever.

4 kommentarer:

  1. If i make myself sit down and write, even drivel, even a shopping list, just the act of writing sometimes opens the floodgates. It might be worth trying.

    Even so, i am willing to wait patiently. Your stories are worth the wait.

    1. I always sit myself down and write a sentence with each of the words. This usually does the trick of overcoming the block. Not this time.
      Thank you for your patience.

  2. I worried myself when I saw the words I'd chosen, I've got a whole notebook of words I liked from books I read.
    Just let them sit in your mind for a while and they will let themselves out eventually, in a story or a poem.

    1. It's not your word being 'bad'. Most words actually are good, only not very modern or sexy words. As I said, I see where they fir in. It's just my creative juices having dried up.
      Thank you for supplying them.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.