torsdag den 24. marts 2022

Words for Wednesday - Á Íslandi 36

The Words for Wednesday is a movable feast, celebrating writing.

This month, March, the prompts can be found at River's place Drifting Through Life.

And this is a The more, the merrier kind of endeavour, so Please, remember to follow the links, go and read other peoples' stories.
And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement.
We ALL need encouragement.

This week's words/prompts are:

1. entice
2. excuse
3. blackbird
4. swaying
5. better
6. mechanical
7. disorder
1. peeling
2. clouds
3. scrambled
4. solid
5. curio
6. float
7. fountain

I took up the additional challenge of using the words in the order they were given. But did not make it further than better. More story is bound to follow.
It is also time, maybe over time for me to change the title of this chapter Á Íslandi means In Iceland (obviously), but it's long time since we left Iceland for Denmark (and Norway and Germany). I just haven't found the right substitute yet, so Á Íslandi continues a bit mere.

Susan stretched and sat up. "Oh, man," she said. "I have slept so well. That Sleeping Water performed as promised."
"Enticing," Knud responded, "But I still prefer natural sleep."
"You're full of bad excuses, I know you do not like taking draughts or potions. I won't do so often, but four hours of unbroken sleep is a gift!"
A blackbird started singing, the sweet, clear notes underlined by sunrays and the gentle breeze made Susan's mood raise a couple of notches more. And she laughed: "See! It agrees with me!"
Susan undressed from her pyjama and threw the doona over a chair back for airing. She opened the windows up wide to let the clean morning air in. Outside the gentle swaying of the trees were all that was left from the nights strong winds. "Better weather today," she said, "how wonderful. I was not looking forward to do my wandsinging in rain and wind."
Hand in hand they walked to the Hall, where they gave a hand laying the tables and brewing tea.
Hilde came toward them, closely followed by a blonde man a bit older than herself. He looked like the archetypical Norwegian outdoorsman, blonde, bearded, ruddy and lined, yet friendly and well muscled.  "May I introduce Øyvind Haugen, my husband," Hilde said.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Susan said. I'm Susan Thorsen, and my husband, Knud, is the tall guy with the teapot over there," she said, pointing in the general direction of the kitchen. "Sit down, and let's have some breakfast."
Knud came over carrying a steaming teapot, and introductions were duly repeated.
"We've heard much of you," Knud said. "It's a pleasure finally to meet you in person."
 "The pleasure is mine," Øyvind said.
Rasmus came over to the table, "I'm sorry to intrude, but I'm afraid we have to go to Tromsø right away, Mum, the hospital just called, Liisa is worse."
Hilde rose and gave Øyvind an awkward embrace. "You stay here and learn, Susan and Knud are good magicians."
"So you keep on saying my dear." Øyvind said. "I'll stay close to them. You take care, both of you."
"We will," They assured him, and Rasmus patted his fathers back. "We're taking Finnbogi and Fiona with us," he said. "You won't need them for the wandsinging, and Fiona's children and grandchildren hall have had their wands, she won't miss out on the excitement."
"True that," Knud said. "You do not need to return together all four of you. In other words, I'm worried. Please send word back with one of those two if something happens."
We will," Hilde repeated. "See you later, take care of Øyvind, will you?"
"Of course we will,"Susan said. "Off you go!" be continued

3 kommentarer:

  1. More tension. Is Liisa worse - or is it a ploy. As always I am looking forward to learning more.

  2. If she was trying to call, and it didn't work, perhaps this is another way of her trying to get them there. Always be prepared, right?

  3. I find myself agreeing with EC and Mimi, one needs to be extra careful where Liisa is involved.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.