mandag den 21. marts 2022

Poetry Monday :: World Poetry Day

Today is the world poetry day
You cannot celebrate a better way
than to write a poem maybe two
so that's exactly what I'll do.

My verse are not so great and fine
as those from ancient, olden times
But know I mean it just as well
My words are honest you can tell.

Normally I also write a Haiku for World Poetry day, but my brain was drained after the one ppoem. I feel like getting old. 

10 kommentarer:

  1. Poetry is the language of the heart - and your warm and overflowing heart is on full display on the poems you so unjustly dismiss.

    1. Thank you EC - and I can't tell how happy I am to see you back!

  2. Your words are honest and i know you mean them. Your poetry shows your heart.

  3. That's a nice little poem. I like shorter ones better than those that go on for several verses.

    1. Thank you - we have a poet of whom I say that he was paid by centimetres ;)

  4. Short, sweet, and to the point - a winner!

  5. Svar
    1. Thanks - It's so nice when Poetry Day is a Monday.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.