tirsdag den 1. marts 2022

Words for Wednesday -- March 1st -- á Íslandi 24

Today the Words for Wednesday can be found at River's blog Drifting through Life. I let her tell what it's all about:
The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This week's words/prompts are:


I just continue my story. And used
Intrigued.and Inadequate.

Friday was a quiet day. It began as usual with Knud casting the language spell and telling of the plan for the day.

"As today is sunny with almost no wind," he began, "everybody will have flying lessons today. First, right after breakfast, the old apprentices, and everybody older than 30 years of age are having their turn. The younger ones will have yet another lesson in Icelandic, counting to 20 is fine, but not quite enough. Then after the tea break, the younger ones meet for flying lessons at the meadow. We hope Fiona and Marit will both be able to join. Sandra is much better, and Lis, Tage and Heidi can attend to her alone for some time." This statement was met by applause from all corners of the hall.
"Then lunch-break," Knud continued, "and we need some volunteers for cooking. While Hilde is a witch in a kitchen, the potatoes do not peel themselves etcetera." He waited patiently until enough hands were in the air.
"After lunch," Knud paused and waited for everybody to look at him "After lunch, it's time for wands!" He had everyone's attention now. "I have lost count of who's got wands and who not. So please. The big sheet is hanging here behind me, two columns have been added. The first one is where you put an X in the row bearing your name, if you have got a wand, the next one you put an X in if you have done more than the very first sparkling spell. I am sure that Rósa, Susan, and My will have a very busy time. I and Monica will teach you a bit more about the handling of wands. For the security of us all, this too is taking place in the meadow."

While Martine, Marit and Fiona had fun teaching people flying broomsticks, Susan, Knud, Finnbogi, Rósa and Hilde looked at the wand Walther/David had been using.
"It could be one from our museum," Finnbogi said hesitating, "then again, it does not feel old."

"Do you incidentally agree with Mary that it was used by a lady before 'the sleepy man' used it?" Susan asked deliberately using Mary's description of Walther.

"Yes I do." Finnbogi said. "That child, she bears watching. I'm intrigued by her and what she can do! I'll try and come down as often as possible to teach her."

"I think she and her dad, Rasmus both need teaching by you and by all of us, "Knud saiod. "We can't afford losing talents of their size. But back to the wand. Could it be Teresa's wand?"

"It sure could," Finnbogi said. "I'd hate to abuse, and maybe overstretch Mary's powers, but I'd like to have her tell a bit more about this wand."
"Try Rasmus," Susan suggested. "He is good too, and he needs to have his mind on something but Liisa."

"I will let him try," Finnbogi said.
"Today I could use some help with the books," Rósa said. "I have been doing a lot alone, but I need more hands."

Susan looked at Knud's spreadsheet. "You could try asking Hilde's daughter, Nana, her husband Claus and Hilde's other son, Hans, and Randi, his wife. Maybe you can't have then all at one time, as they have small children, but I have a notion that they are feeling a bit left out right now. I sung wands for those four when we were in Norway, and Hilde has taught them quite a bit since, I'm sure." Susan said with a glance at Hilde. "She was homeschooled before she came to the Farm, and she was good. Ergo they do not have to have wands, they are over the swish and sparkle level, so they'll be idle again this afternoon."

"Sounds like the ideal solution," Hilde said, "you are totally right on all accounts. I could do with some extra hands in the kitchen as well, but we need those books more than potatoes!"

Rósa laughed: "You took the words right out of my mouth!"

Hilde added: "But first me and Rasmus must take a fast trip through the portal to Tromsø, to check up on Liisa. The portals are by the way bothering us lees by now. It is a question of habit. I'll find him and we'll hurry back. I think she is dying, but it might be wishful thinking."

"Hurry off and back," Susan said. "We need you here. But please, could you look for more magic books in your and Rasmus' place? I have an idea that there has to be more."

"We'll look," Hilde promised. "

Rosa went off in search of Hilde's children ad in-laws. She found all four sitting in the small gazebo looking at the flying lessons for the smaller ones.

"Hello, did you enjoy your flying lessons?" Rósa asked.

"Yes and no," Nana answered for all of them. We have been taught by Hilde, and she is good all round. I can see that Martine, Fiona and even Marit are better at flying, but there were so many beginners, that we did not feel challenged by the lessons."

"I see," Rósa said, "and this afternoon's wand-sessions will be the same. Because you have wands, Hilde has taught you the basics and a bit more, and so on. Which is lucky for me, because I need help."

"You need help?" Nana said, "I thought you could do everything."

"Oh really!" Rósa said. "Who on earth told you this nonsense?"

I don't remember," Nana said. "one of our nieces, I think."

"That is utter bosh, if not worse!" Rósa exclaimed. "None of us can do everything. I often feel young, stupid and inadequate. I'd like to have my old teachers back! There's so much I don't know. And today I need you to help me mend the old books for us all to get wiser."

"Great," Randi said. "I love books."

"You always were an old nerd," her husband said, playfully boxing her shoulder.

... to be continued

4 kommentarer:

  1. There's work enough for all, it sounds like.

    1. Yes, there's work for all. They just have to realize that they can help, and find out what they're good at.

  2. This is an excellent chapter and the words fitted in easily. I would like to be helping with the books.

    1. Thank you, and so would I I was too young when Florence was flooded, else I would have gone there.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.