torsdag den 10. marts 2022

Words for Wednesday -- Á Íslandi 30

Once again I'm writing tangled tales and byways so as not to make it too fast to the ending. We have still many dangling ends, one of them being the whereabouts of Aamu Raita, now Klara Weber.

And I really have to change the name of this chapter -as I'm sure you can guess
á Íslandi means In Iceland, and we have long since left this place!

I took up the additional challenge of using the words n the order they were given.

The words were:

The magicians in the hall broke up, some of the younger families took tea, coke and cake outsides to the gardens to give the children time for running and playing, some went to their rooms to give small ones some shut-eye and clean clothes. Some just wandered around hand in hand. All a bit shell shocked from the afternoons events. The old apprentices, now teachers and in most cases grandparents sat with Martine at a larger table, only Lis and Tage left to tell the bed ridden Sandra what had happened.

Ella just sat in a chair, feeling tired to the bones and stupefied by the progression from vaguely dissatisfied, habitually married senior citizen to gaslighted victim to widow in the span of days.
It dawned upon her that she had always been the collector of happy memories, Grandma's cottage being the most important of them. And all her books, most of them made her think of something good. Maybe she did not have any children, but she was going to be a good aunt ... she was going to invite her siblings one by one, pick up the broken pieces of her family life. And what was it Susan had told her yesterday about the librarian being Aamu. Should they probably go and get her? What did she know of Klara, as Aamu was now called. She thought back to the Christmas party at Unicorn Farm. The slim, blonde Finnish girl on beautiful red and green dress with embroidered willows on her dress. Ella realized that the language magic let her know that Raita, Aamu's last name meant willow. And there had been something distinctly willowy over Aamu. Her reflections went forward in time to the latest meeting in the book circle at the library, and she almost laughed out loud. She had arrived early, and had been looking at an exhibition of books Klara had made, many of them had had 'willow' in the title or as an illustration. Willow basket weaving was once again in fashion, and books on this, The Wind in the Willows, a series beginning with Summer at Willow Lake, The Willow Pattern Story and even Blue Willow, one of Ella's childhood favourite reads had been prominent there. It made Ella think. Why had Klara (Aamu) done this? Had she nurtured a secret hope of being fond out? Was it just coincidence - Ella did not believe in coincidence.  Ella's head slowly sank back in the comfy chair and she dropped off to sleep, dreaming a tangled story of herself, Walther, Klara and someone else exchanging the slates of their house with books in preparation for some coming evil. She woke with a start, and looked into Susan's worried face: "Did you have a nightmare?" Susan asked. "You kept calling for someone to come and help you."
"Not a nightmare," Ella said, "but strange dream." She told Susan of Klara's books and the crazy dream. "Do you think that we could risk going to Schiltach and visit Klara? I feel an urgency to go there."

Susan hesitated. "I think I want to go and ask Sandra. Her premonitions are getting better and better, and she was right in getting you here.  You better take a rest in a real bed, even if this chair is comfy it's a back breaking place to sleep."
  Ella got up and stretched her back: "I'll be in my room if you need me. A nap in a real bed is the right cure for my poor back, I think."
... to be continued

2 kommentarer:

  1. It's okay that all the chapters aren't in perfect form yet, i'm enjoying the story as it is given.

  2. I do like this chapter very much. I am happy that Ella is recovering happy memories and wanting to reconnect with her siblings.


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