fredag den 4. marts 2022

Á Íslandi 27

This week's words/prompts are:


I only used
Effective for this part.

Ella, who had been looking up some recipes for Hilde came and joined them. Rósa and Finnbogi also drifted over, and Monica and Olav excused themselves and went packing. They were going to leave soon after dinner tonight. 
"Now that Ella is here, I can pose my question. What about Walther aka David," Finnbogi asked. "What is happening to him. And how on Earth did he get his magic back in the first place?"
"I'm afraid you have more questions than we have answers," Susan said. "He's imprisoned or what to call it in the smallest shed. It is protected by a magic dome - a one way dome, only two ways. Much easier to put up and maintain, and simultaneously keeping everybody out. Furthermore we're guarding the house, always two people on guard, sitting where they each can see two sides of the house. We do not know how to proceed from here." Susan shook her head in despair.
"As to how he got his magic, or some of it back," Martine took over: "My guess is that Liisa has cast spells on him, given him magic objects for handling with the purpose of restoring his magic. Much like you and Rósa in that respect. Only it did not work very well. He could cast the language spell on Susan in Shiltach, but it was clumsily done and was very tiring for him. Susan's luck, then he did not protest overmuch against her suggestions, and never got to make her drink from the water in Granny's cottage."
"And you're sure your dome is effective?" Ella asked.
Finnbogi chimed in: "That was what I was going to ask next. I would hate to run into him in the meadow. I would be sorely tempted to do something, I would later regret."
"Do you hate him that much?" Rósa asked.
"After that first broomracing he never missed an opportunity to bother me," Finnbogi said silently. "He made me trip over the doorsteps, he overturned my potions and teacups, he conjured water over my writings, all those Cantrippes for everyday use can make life hard for your fellow magicians. He tied my shoelaces together, he made my broom greasy, and so on, and so on. Never anything big, never anything I could complain about, but a steady, never ceasing rain of small mishaps, accidents and so on. I could feel it was him, smell his magical signature on all the things."
"Maybe he was so relentless because you could tell it was him?" Susan said. "He tried to do the same to me, but I found him out quite soon, and I asked Jon help me. He was busted by a button he accidentally lost behind the water stoup. I think Jon told him to lay it off, Nothing more came off it, and he did not bother me often after this."
"Yes," Finnbogi said. "I must admit that is my weakness, I always hope that if I do not say or do anything it will pass. It seldom does."
"I think he tried his tricks on most of us," Hilde said. "As my parents were magicians, I did not bear the brunt of it, and I promised him a solid thumping if he kept on harassing Terje, he was an easy victim. But your parents were also magicians, like all Icelanders? true?"
"I think Selma's parents were not magicians," Rósa said, "but Grani fancied her already then. They did marry and died, on their honeymoon even. David was no match for him."
"You were the leader of The Opposition," Fiona said. "You beat him. And so did we of The Yellow Team. I think he never forgave us for not letting him win as he meant was his due."
"Most of The opposition and The Yellow Team died early on," Knud said after consulting his notebook. "Did you survive anything dangerous in the 7 first years after leaving Unicorn Farm?"
"Yes, actually I did," Finnbogi said. "a hotel I stayed in, caught fire, I only got out because I was woken up by some crazy birds having a party outside my window. I jumped out, and was in hospital with smoke poisoning and a seriously sprained ankle for weeks after. Most of the other hotel guest died in the fire. And some time later my boat sunk, it suddenly took in water, and the motor died. I only survived because I stuck something in the hole, and the currents brought me near a big ship. Later yet a rope bridge broke, I was able to hang on, but took a bashing against the cliffs. I thought then, 'bad things come in threes', because it ended then, almost seven years to the date." He drew a deep breath. "Was that David's doing? And what about you, Hilde? Did he also try to kill you?"
 Hilde looked at him, only now realizing the danger she had been in: "I was a bitter young woman after the Unicorn Farm ceased to exist. I did not know why. I hung out with a wild gang, Accidents happened often for us, Drunk driving, excessive drinking, daredevilish stunts. I always wrote my brushes with an early and unpleasant death up to this, but now it seems I have to re-think that part of my past."
But it was not David being responsible for it, at least not alone. He lost his magic, same as us," Finnbogi said. "You say Tristan's sister was the main culprit. Maybe David pointed us out, and then she,Tristan and Torben tried to bump us off."
"Teresa might have been able to partially restore the use of magic for at least Torben and Tristan," Martine said. "It seems that the Mondrian and the forgetting spell did not work one hundred percent on us older ones. Thora and I remembered after a decade or more, as did Sandra. But there was no way for us to restore the magic. Not without involving magicians from other countries, and we could not find them without our magic. It was a vicious circle."
 "And you did not think of me?" Ella asked.
"We did not, and as Walther was David in disguise, it was a blessing in disguise, that we did not," Martine said.
"I did not meet him until later," Ella said. "But of course I would have told on you, if he had asked. I trusted him. It is so strange to find out that a person, you thought you knew, in fact is somebody, something else."
Rasmus placed his arm around  Ella's shoulders: "I know," he said. "I might not have been married to Liisa for quite as long as you and Walther, but the feeling is the same!"

Rósa rose: "Susan and My, we're talking too much. We are supposed to be wandsinging, aren't we?"
"So we are!" Susan said and rose too.
   ... to be continued

2 kommentarer:

  1. What to do with David indeed. It's quite a conundrum.

  2. I hope the magic keeping David confined continues to be effective while they work on solutions.


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