onsdag den 2. marts 2022

IWSG First Wednesday Question and Á Íslandi - 25

IWSG March 2 question - Have you ever been conflicted about writing a story or adding a scene to a story? How did you decide to write it or not?

This happens to me quite often. In the writing of my long long story of The Magic in the Nordic Countries, I have written and ditched many scenes. Most recently a scene, which I wrote for the Á Íslandi chapter. I decided not to include it, but now you get to know about it  anyway. It is deleted, so I can't post it.
After Ella has found out that her husband, Walther, is really David, our old enemy, and Rasmus have come to terms with his wife Liisa being a bad egg and probably going to remain as alive as a vegetable ever after, those two fall in love. They do so even though Ella is old enough to be Rasmus' mother. (/Sorry this sounds so much like Soap 😆).
I wrote it, rewrote it and ditched it. It was terrible! I would like to have included it to tie up some loose ends, but I just could not do it. I'm no good at romance ...

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Let's instead have the next part of that chapter ... actually I'm not so sure about this one either. It might turn into a dead end and be re-written later.

This is also a part of Words for Wednesday. Prompts by River, more about the challenge at Elephant's Child.

This week's words/prompts are:


I only used
Tangled, and I feel it's kind of jutting out.

Susan went out into the meadow to look how the flying lessons were coming on. She had no intentions of flying herself, but every intention of knowing a bit more of what passed. She came out to a frustrated Fiona and Marit.
"We have too many people wanting to fly and not enough active brooms. Martine is taking the smallest one riding double on her broom, and they have fun. But we have a job keeping the smaller ones in a line for the trips, while teaching the larger ones how to hold and mount a broom, all this exacerbated by a lack of live brooms. More than half are having dry runs with brooms not able to fly, they tend to forget in their eagerness and topple when the brooms do not support their weight."
"It was a bit stupid doing broom riding today, maybe,"  Susan said, "but today the sun is out in force for the first time in a long while. I foresee the same problems this afternoon with wands. I'll help you entertaining the impatient hordes, while you teach. Then I know to call in more for this afternoon. I sure hope My does arrive today!"

While Susan stood calling small animals, sparrow and mice and made them sit on brave apprentices' hands and fly from hand to hand to entertain the impatient ones waiting in the lines, she kept half an eye on the teleportation enclosure. 
A part of the meadow had been fenced in, with a fence made from wooden boards and reinforced with chicken wire in the bottom parts, so that it also was an effective barrier against chickens, rabbits, cats, dogs and other creatures. This was the teleport area, and everybody was told to keep out of it. The latch was sat high on the gate, so that small, inquisitive fingers could not reach it, and Susan and Knud had cast protective spells on both fence, gate and latch to ensure that any child getting magical ideas ideas would be thwarted as well.
Just before the lunch break she saw the tell-tale blinking, and left the waiting lines and Marit and Fiona to fend for themselves and hurried down there. She was happy to see that it was indeed My arriving by teleporting!
"Welcome, My!" Susan said. "You have been practising hard since we parted, I see."
My smiled and closed the gate behind her. "Yes I have, and I always loved teleporting. I have practised each and every day since."
"Come inside and have a cup of tea, we have work for you in a short while. A lot of people need wands. The brooms are waiting for you to brew up a potion, Marit is only waiting for you to take over the potions to go home, in short, you're not going to sit idle here."
"Wow, what a stormy welcome," My said smiling, shaking her red hair from which a few errant strands had tangled themselves in some low hanging branches. "Tea you said, sounds great."
"Lunch actually." Susan said. "Come with me while I help Martine, Marit and Fiona manage the small teeming horde. I left them, as I hoped it was you."
My tagged along and she and Susan came just in time to help Fiona and Marit herd all the small children into, and out of the broomshed and placing the brooms in their holders.

During lunch Martine, Susan, Marit, Fiona and Knud brought My up to date with the happenings at Birch Manor and in the world.
As they reached the conclusion, today's broomriding lessons, Fiona said: "I think Roseanne will cause us problems in the long run. She does not really respect me, she feels somehow superior, and keeps claiming that her mum has told her what lousy witches and wizards we all are."
"Does she listen to Marit and Martine better than you?" Susan asked.
"Now you ask, yes she does. Oh!" She said her eyes growing big and round. "Do you think Liisa has imprinted her with a dose of only witches from wizarding families are good witches, and all that?"
"I'm afraid, yes," Susan said. "It's our luck that she is so young still. She just says what she thinks, or repeats what she has heard more likely, and with no deviousness! We'll just have to show her we're as good as her and maybe just a little better."
... to be continued

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To expand on my doubts: Do I need Roseanne perpetuating David and Liisa's errors? Or do I just want to make her miss her mummy? Roseanne and Mary won't just plod on, forgetting their mother, even if she was a bad one. But how, what, and why?

6 kommentarer:

  1. Your ongoing story based off prompts sounds intriguing. It seems like it was a good idea to cut that scene if it simply wasn't working. We can't write everything well! Well, maybe some can, but not most of us. Romance is trickier than it seems.

    1. Thank you. Yes romance is tricky. Maybe I'm going to make a "tell, not show" here ;)

  2. Tangled fits in well, hair does get tangled in low branches when winds are blowing.
    I wouldn't like Roseanne to perpetuate Liisa and David's errors, but perhaps she do a small wrong and learn from that just how wrong it is.

    1. Thank you, yes could work. Thoughtlessly repeating what she heard ... Thanks.

  3. Agreeing with River, i wouldn't want to see the child perpetuate the evil of the last generation. In every group, however, there are some people we like better than others, and there are always those whose personality rubs us the wrong way. Maybe she is just destined to be like that with some of those who do not come from magic families.

    1. Personal likes and dislikes sure exsist. We all know that one, always getting into trouble form the way he says it.
      Thank you.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.