tirsdag den 22. marts 2022

Words for Wednesday, March 16 - Á Íslandi 35

Last Wednesday River gave us 4 sentences as prompts for our writing. I suddenly could not write and ... Tomorrow is another Wednesday with new prompts arriving, so I've better post what I wrote using the words that were sentences:
We were given:

1. a cloud of dust settled around him
2. slapped in the face with a wet fish
3. I bowed my head and wept
4. I didn't know what else to do

I only used the first one.

But Susan did not get to sleep all night. In the middle of the night a loud sound woke her and many of the other inhabitants at Birch Manor from their sleep.
"What was that!" Susan said.
"No idea," Knud said; and they both went to the window and looked out. In the yard a human form could vaguely be seen, but as the cloud of dust settled around him, they both recognized Rasmus.
Now what, Susan thought and swung her wand: "Ljós" she said, and the yard outside were lit by a silvery green light.
They saw  Rasmus, only dressed in his pyjamas trying to pick himself up from the dust, still holding a broomstick, then ran out there while several of the people at Birch Manor gathered round him, draped in blankets, dressing gowns and overcoats.
Fiona was the first to reach him and help him get up: "What happened?" she asked.
"Good question," Rasmus said, "I was in my bed, sleeping, then suddenly I was outside, on a broom, flying north. I don't know if I have been sleepwalking or what, but I collided with the flagpole and then I crashed..."
"Are you hurt?" Fiona asked solicitously
"No, not seriously hurt, beat up and bruised, but nothing broken."
"Fine," Knud said. "Please everyone get back to bed."
When everybody but Fiona, Knud and Susan had left, Fiona and Knud helped Rasmus inside while Susan kept the light going. Rasmus looked at them:"I dreamt," he said, "I dreamt of Liisa, she was calling me, Then I woke up, but not in time to avoid the flagpole."
"What a luck," Fiona said. "You would have been frozen stiff by the time you reached Tromsø."
"Yes, but ... Will I do this again. Can she call me all the way from there? Am I hexed, am I maybe even a danger to you?" Rasmus said.
"Why haven't we thought of this," Susan said. "Let's get Finnbogi. I'm sure he's not asleep yet."
Finnbogi dressed in something more than a blanket and returned with Susan. He placed his hands on Rasmus head.
"Sad to say, old boy, but you stink as well. Did you drink any of that infamous pink potion too?"
"I don't remember any pink potions, no," Rasmus said, "not any medicine like the girls, at least. Could Liisa have hidden it in something?"
"It's not heat stable," Fiona said, "so some cold drink, that did not taste as it used to?"
"The ice coffee," Rasmus said, "It tasted strange, Liisa told me the milk was a bit off, it might be that."
"Let me get the antidote," Fiona said. "It won't do you any harm if you never had any of that pink potion anyway ... did you find any more of it at your place or elsewhere, by the way?"
"I'm not sure," Rasmus said. "Hilde, my mother, she found a lot of stuff in her place. I never searched our house thoroughly. I'll do so tomorrow, or is it today?"
"Today," Knud said, "it's past midnight."
"Oh that's fine!" Susan said."I just remembered. The antidote should be taken first thing in the morning after not having eaten. This means you should be able to have a sip the moment Fiona returns!"
"Great!" Rasmus exclaimed, and Knud nodded.
"Strange," Finnbogi said, "I never got the idea of feeling your magic before, I would have sensed the potion. Or I think I would have. I feel at least partially guilty in your accident."
"No need to," Susan said, "we all knew that Rasmus had magic, and we concentrated on the girls. For that matter Knud and I ought to have thought about the possibility of Liisa dosing Rasmus as well as the girls. But he has been acting so normal. We're lucky to have more of that antidote still."

Fiona returned with the small bottle of antidote. carefully unstoppered the flask, poured a few drops into a glass, stoppered and put away the flask before giving the glass to Rasmus.
"It's OK to drink it now?" Susan asked. "It is morning, kind of anyway, and Rasmus has not been eating since he fell asleep."
"Right you are, Susan. Good thinking. I actually forgot," Fiona said shamefacedly and extended the glass to Rasmus. "My brain might still be half asleep, but I still wish you luck. Cheers! Enjoy!"  
Rasmus carefully raised the glass to his lips. "For the future!" he said, and then drank it down in one go. "It tastes so good!" He said, "Amazing! The best cloudberry liquor, I ever had. And I feel strong, and good and oh, healthier than I have felt for a long time. I thought the bleakness in my mind was the worrying for Liisa, fretting over the girls' magic and so on. It was that potion all along. Why is it so oppressing?"
"Wie man die Magie zum schlafen bringt und Menschen schwach macht," Susan cited. "That was what was written in the recipe. And what better way to weaken people than making their thoughts all bleak, black, sapping their joy and draining their vigour?"
"Why did my magic not sleep?" Rasmus asked.
Finnbogi looked strangled, then answered: "It did. But your magic is strong. Even half asleep it was better than mine."
"Also maybe you did not drink much of the Purple dreams potion, and coffee is not good for mixing with potions. Liisa could not know that," Fiona said.

 ... to be continued

11 kommentarer:

  1. Svar
    1. Thank you. I like writing, and comments like yours makes me want to continue.

  2. Excellent. And what a dreadful, dreadful potion. Hope is a fragile essential. For us all.
    And yes, I have backtracked and read the installments I missed during my break. LOUD applause.

    1. Oh,man what a lot of reading. Thank you for doing this!

  3. At last the 35th installment came! I've been waiting for it impatiently.

  4. How dreadful for Rasmus, i'm glad he wasn't seriously hurt and that now he is free.

    If Lissa, who is supposed to still be in a coma, is calling him, is she coming around? Or is she trying to get help to come back? Always there is room for more.

  5. Sleep-flying! my goodness, Liisa's magic must be strong to call Rasmus to do that. But now with the potion it is good to know he has been dosed like the girls were and can now be properly magic again.

    1. As if sleep-walking was not bad enough ;) Now he's healed, magic-wise, let's see what happens.

  6. Potions. Sleep-flying. And Lissa's situation! My goodness. You have quite a tale in the works here. Good job.


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