torsdag den 10. marts 2022

Blogging from A - Z?

The A to Z challenge is up and running again this year for the 13th time.
I'm still debating with myself if I want to join or not.
You have until March 21 to link up a theme and from the March 30 you can just join ... at least this is how I understood it, feeling a bit mystified why you have to tell of your theme before joining.

The meta-theme of this year is:


Well ... I could write of all my dreams, projects, long-term ideas and the colour them RED for not accomplished or GREEN for accomplished / under way. This way I could tell of happenings great and small in the Owlery and still stay with the A to Z challenge ...

I could also treat it with ignore, keeping to my usual non-schedule, posting Susan's story, craft and gardening without looking at any letters ...

And IF I do the challenge, will I do it in English or in Danish ... Is it A for Apple or A for Abe (monkey)? Apple in Danish is Æble which brings me to the next problem: The letters: In Danish, we do not limit ourselves to 26 letters, we add Æ, Ø, and Å bringing the count up to 29. On the other hand, we have almost no words beginning in Q, W, X, or Z ... down to 25.

So many questions ....

I'm not going to do any theme reveal. So much is - almost - certain. But will I join or not?

What do you say?

A sub-theme this year is a Tribute to Jeremy Hawkins. I did not know him, and though I feel sad for partners and family missing him, I won't do anything more than linking here and say a prayer. So I go with the normal A to Z challenge badge seen here.

Actually I liked Lissa's badge better - seen here. Maybe I'll use this, if I go with my dreams accomplished or not idea.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Whether you join or not, i will enjoy your posts.

  2. Whether to do this challenge or not, I had also debated but most of the time I end up doing it. For me, the A-Z challenge is the only one I ever do so maybe it's why I do it. Whatever you decide, I'm sure it will fine.

    Have a lovely day.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.