onsdag den 3. april 2019

Ⓐ - ⓩ 3. april - Ⓒ - Cykelhjelm

Ⓒ er for cykelhjelm.
I går, hvor det stormede, fulgtes Uglemor og Piraten hjem fra byen.  Vi nærmest fløj hjem, det var skønt, for turen derind havde været hård i den stride modvind, både om morgenen, da Piraten og Spirillen fulgtes i skole på cykel, senere, da Skribenten tog turen til stationen og endnu noget senere, da Uglemor tog samme tur. Spirillen fulgtes ikke med os hjem, hans cykel skulle nemlig til cykelsmeden.
     Vi var belæssede med indkøb og skoletaske, men vi skulle jo også lige have æggene med ind. Hønsene bor nemlig  i samme udhus som cyklerne. Men hvordan fordeler man to rygsække og to tunge tasker og syv æg på to personer? Det er da let. Piraten bærer æggene i sin cykelhjelm.
     Nu synes I måske ikke at det har så meget med have og planter at gøre, men husk lige at alt ukrudtet og alle knoporm og andre uønskede krible-krablere, bliver spist af de 7 høns, der lagde de 7 æg. Og blommerne er meget gule.

--  Ⓐ - ⓩ --

 Ⓒ is for cykelhjelm = bike helmet.
Yesterday it was windy, maybe even stormy. The wind was blowing the wrong way as Pirate and Marsupilami rode their bikes to school. The Writer too fought a strong headwind on his way to the railway station somewhat later, and MotherOwl fought the same winds another hour or so later. Marsupilami, Pirate and MotherOwl met in town, Marsupilami went to hand in his bike for repair, while MotherOwl and the Pirate rode home together and luxuriated in the strong tailwind. We almost flew home. But when we arrived we had to gather the eggs as well, and ho do two persons carry two backpacks, two heavy saddle bags and 7 eggs. Easy peasy! The Pirate put the eggs in his bike helmet.
Not so much growing and gardening you think. It is true only if you ignore the fact that every weed and unwanted bug form the garden is fed to the seven  hens who laid these seven eggs.  And the yolks are very yellow, almost orange.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Those eggs look GOOD. And a most excellent use of weeds and bugs.

  2. What a great idea for an egg basket! Yes, the eggs look so pretty.

  3. Thank You. This is one of the fun thing of having your own hens. Multicoloured eggs every day, not just for easter.

  4. this is smart. I wouldn't have thought of using a helmet to carry eggs but it works.

    have a lovely day.


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