lørdag den 6. april 2019

Ⓐ - Ⓩ 6. april - Ⓕ - Frø

Ⓕ er for frø.
     Ja det er tvetydigt, og det er med vilje. I Ugleboet siger vi som Kaj og Andrea: "Man kan da ikke plante en frø, Andrea." "Nej Kaj. Men man kan plante et frø!"
     Og det gør vi så. Vi planter frø, medens frøerne kigger på. Og frøene gror op og bliver til store planter, hvor frøerne kan sidde i skyggen og kvække ved vores lille sø.

- Ⓐ - Ⓩ -

Ⓕ is for frø. Which means both frog and seeds.
One of the many words sounding alike, but means two different things in Danish. We have loads of fun joking with the planting of frogs and the jumping of seeds - or maybe it is the other way around.
Any old how we plant lots of seeds, most of them grow up to become big plants, and in their shadow frogs are croaking in our little pond. 

Her er de frø, vi har plantet.
This is FRØ = seeds that we have planted.

Her er en frø, den skal ikke plantes, men slippes ud i haven igen, så den kan kvække.

This is the other FRØ = FROG: It is not to be sown. MiniMax will let him go again to continue croaking in our garden.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Smiling.
    And mourning. It is too long since I have seen frogs.

    1. I hope you will soon have frogs again in your pond.

  2. Of course, our language also has words that are spelled the same and sound the same but have different meanings. Enjoy your seeds that are growing and frogs that are jumping!

    1. Yes, I think all languages have those. If not, crossword puzzles would be too easy ;)
      Thanks, I will.


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