tirsdag den 16. april 2019

Ⓐ - Ⓩ 16. april - Ⓞ - ???

Hvad Ⓞ er for, er et godt spørgsmål. Uglemor kan ikke finde nogen ting med O ude i haven. Jo orm, men hvem gider dog læse et blogindlæg om orm, selv om de er nyttige væsener?
     Der er selvfølgelig også oregano, men det er heller ikke særligt interessant. Det gror bare, smager meget godt, og det kan farve uld en ret kedelig gyldengul farve. Vi må lede videre.
     Vi har hverken obelisker eller oaser. Her lever hverken oddere eller okser. Uglemor dyrker hverken okra, oliven eller orkideer og slet ikke opium. Vi har hverken fundet olie eller oldsager, opaler eller onykser. Heldigvis har vi ikke haft nogen orkaner for nyligt.
     Godt nok drømmer Uglemor om et orangeri med eksotiske frugter og yuzuer, men hun må nok nøjes med sin dome ind til videre.
     Vi løber ikke orienteringsløb, eller spiller obo eller på orgel. Uglemor er ikke noget organisationstalent, og hun laver hverken ost eller synger opera.
     Kort sagt må vi vist konstatere, at bogstavet O er underrepræsenteret i Uglebo. 

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Ⓞ is for ... yes for what. MotherOwl has been searching the garden and only found two thing with O: Orm (worm) and oregano (marjoram). She could not imagine anybody wanting to read a blogpost on worms, useful as they might be. And Marjoram is quite dull too, it just grows, is rather tasty, and dyes wool a lacklustre goldenish colour. Look again MotherOwl.
In the Owlery, there's just no room for oases or obelisks. No otters or oxen live here, MotherOwl do not grow orchids or okra, olives or opium. We've found neither oil, nor opals or onykses in the holes we've dug.  We've had no hurricanes (orkaner) recently. And even thought MoterOwl is dreaming of an orangerie for exotic plants yuzu oranges mostly, the good old dome will have to suffice for some time yet.
We do not do Orienteering, or play the oboe or the organ. MotherOwl is not a genius for organizing, she does not sing opera or make cheese (ost).
We have to conclude that the letter O is underrepresented in the Owlery.  (And no, Owl begins with U for Ugle in Danish, sorry)

Foto af oregano og garn farvet dermed maj 2012
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Popto of Marjoram (oregano) and wool dyed with the plant from May 2012

6 kommentarer:

  1. Oregano produces a delightful warm colour.
    Some years ago my partner gave me a worm farm for Christmas. I love it, and the worm water and waste has benefited my garden (including the orchids I try to grow).

    1. I must have had bad luck with my oregano dye baths then. The smell was fine, but the colour a disappointment.
      Worm farm! I did not know such a ting even existed. Sounds interesting.

  2. Perhaps you could try to grow okra someday, and i will share recipes for fried okra and gumbo.

    1. We live too far in the North to grow okra here, I'd need a greenhouse with heating - my orangerie. Just like for growing olives or lemons or indeed my beloved yuzu oranges. I can sometimes buy okra in the shops, but i have no idea what to do with them, and I don't want to buy something expensive just to have to not eat it caused on ignorance. A recipe would be so nice.

  3. I remember planting a small oregano seedling many years ago, in just a few months it had spread a lot and I had enough to share with half the neighborhood. I dried enough to fill two 500 gram jars to use on pizza and in spaghetti sauce for a couple of years.

    1. Yes it is a prolific and easy to grow plant. I have to take care and weed not to have oregano all over the garden. But I forgive it, as the bees like it, and it's tasty too.


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