søndag den 28. april 2019

Ⓐ-Ⓩ - 28. april - Snyd -- Cheating

Ⓐ-Ⓩ-udfordringen hedder det, men nu er vi nået til den umulige ende af alfabetet nemlig W, X, Y og Z.
     Der er hverken wigwammer, xylofoner, yakokser eller zebraer i Uglemors have. Og selv om jeg måske kunne skrive et vittigt indlæg eller to om alt det vi ikke har, er det altså morsommere at fortælle om noget, der findes. Det er også meget nemmere at vise et par smukke billeder fra haven.
     Men  så er det jo så heldigt, at vi på dansk er begavet med et par ekstra bogstaver, nemlig: Æ. Ø og Å
     Dem napper jeg. Æ er for æbler. Og der findes vel næppe et skønnere syn end frugttræer i blomst mod en blå forsommerhimmel.

A - Å

It is called the Ⓐ-Ⓩ-Challenge. But now we've reached the impossible end of the alphabet. W, X, Y and Z. In the Owlery we have neither Wigwams, nor xylophones, yaks or zebras. Of course I could write a witty blog post or two about what we do not have or do in the Owlery's garden. But it is much more satisfying to write about things we do or have. And much easier to show a photo or two.
In Danish we have some extra letters following Z, namely: Æ. Ø and Å. I am going to use those for the last 3 days instead of fighting my way through letters almost never used in Danish.

Æ is for æbler (Apples). Apple blossoms against a clear, blue spring sky is a gorgeous sight.
Æbletræets knopper som de ser ud i dag. 
- Æ -
The buds of our apple tree as the looked today

A - Å

Der er ikke længe til dette syn. 
- Æ -
It won't be long before they look like this.
A - Å

Og så til efteråret kan vi nyde dem her. Det er en helt vidunderlig ting at have er æbletræ eller tre i sin have.
- Æ -
And in Autumn we're going to enjoy these. It is a wonderful thing to have an apple tree or three in the garden.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Love your creative approach to those difficult letters.
    And I also love apple blossom, and fresh apples. Each year in season I guzzle apples - until I hit the first floury one. Then I stop until the season comes round again.

  2. Excellent idea, using letters in your alphabet. After all, not all alphabets are alike (i think Hawai'ian only has about 16 letters).

    You have beautiful apple blossoms, i hope you get a lot of delicious apples.

  3. Reading your blog is proving to be such an interesting and painless introduction to your language, Mother Owl. I would be overwhelmed if tackling it all at once, because I know nothing about Danish, but your explanations make it a joy to absorb bit by bit. For instance, I knew nothing about your extra characters in your alphabet.

    Apple blossoms are so lovely. In my province of Nova Scotia in Canada there is a region called the Annapolis Valley where many apples are grown. It is a beautiful sight when the trees are blooming. They even have a festival called the Apple Blossom Festival (what else?!). It is a huge event.

  4. I think xyz are the hard letters that even I sort of lack enthusiasm for them. I didn't realize danish have more alphabets after the z but then again, I don't often see danish anywhere.

    I actually like green apples more though I can't eat those either since they make my throat and ears itch.

    apple blossoms are lovely to see especially in spring.

    have a lovely day.


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