tirsdag den 2. april 2019

Ⓐ - ⓩ 2. april - Ⓑ - Birkesaft

Ⓑ er for Birkesaft
Det plejer Uglemor sammen med en nabo at tappe i slutningen af marts. I år havde Uglemor bare helt glemt det, så her til aften kom den søde nabo med birketræerne og sagde: Det er tid til at tappe birkesaft. Uglemor smed straks, hvad hun havde i hænderne, hentede bor, boremaskine, spand, slange og tap. Saften løber ikke ret hurtigt. Vi er nok lidt sent ude, men hvad ... Uglemor vil bare lave en sæbe eller to og måske en enkelt flaske sirup, og det skal der ikke mange liter til.

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 Ⓑ is for Birch sap
 The Owlery has several neighbours. One of them has several birch trees. MotherOwl and this neighbour normally taps birch sap in late March. Only this year we forgot. Today she came and  said that it was time. It's almost too late, I'm afraid, but then soaping and a bit of syrup does not use up more than a few litres of sap. We'll manage.

Birkesaften løber -- The birch sap is running.

4 kommentarer:

  1. I had never heard of tapping birch trees. What is the sap used for?

  2. do you drink the birch sap? I have nor heard of it. but I don't know much about nature. I think I might have failed if someone ask me anything nature related.

    have a lovely day.

  3. My understanding is that birch sap is like maple, it can make a syrup, but birch is a bit thinner and slightly less sweet than the maple.

  4. Birch sap is mainly drunk "as is" as a spring drink, slightly sweet and bitter, very refreshing. It can be boiled like maple syrup, but as Messymimi says it is thinner, and as is is more prone to scorching, cryo-concentration (freezing instead of boiling) is better. I use it for cooking, baking bread, making sushi rice and mostly for soaping instead of water. Birch ice cream is also a thing. Maybe an a-z about some of the things made with/from birch sap would be in place.


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