mandag den 15. april 2019

Poetry Monday :: Awakening

Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
Today's theme is Awakening. (courtesy of Delores).

This time I wrote a really long poem. I composed it in my head during a 10 km long bike ride to physical therapy; I think I might have been a traffic hazard. But in my defence I rode mostly through the woods, on bike paths and along quiet roads. Luckily the therapist had a slight delay. I sat down in the sun and wrote out the poem in my notebook.

                        -- 🐙 --


The kraken stirs down in the deep
Stretches an arm, and then another.
Thinking by itself "Why bother!"
Its yellow eyes half close in sleep.
In early dawn the kraken wakes
Stretches a third arm, then a fourth.
"The time has come. I must go forth,
Allay all my pines and ache.
I must obey my stomach's need.
I must go sate my lust for meat."

Upon the shore, all white and clean,
A lady wakes from her dream.
"I'll start my journey with a swim!"
And then she spies the distant fin.
"Oh dolphins! It brings luck they say,
To swim with dolphins in the bay."
They swim and play, forget the time,
'till pains of hunger stabs her mind.
"Oh, I am much too far from land!"
The dolphins seem to understand
Her plight and gather close around.
Together they swim shoreward bound.

But where they fight the undertow,
Another fin lurks down below.
A dire fin, a streamlined keel,
A teethy maw in jaws of steel.
The water churns, the waves turn red
The lady cries out in her dread
A prayer to her gods she send
and then she faints, her powers spent.

The girl awakens on the shore
She looks down at her bloodied hands
And drops the fin down on the sand.
The dolphins she can see no more.
She raises her head, looks to the sea
The Kraken on the cliffs she sees
He's eating up the giant shark.
Its giant jaws from suckers marked.
He looks at her and turns around.
Slips to the deep from whence he came.
The lady thanks her goddess heathen.
As Darwin said. "Eat or be eaten."

6 kommentarer:

  1. That was a surprise ending! Excellent!

    1. Thank you so much. I tried my best to lay out some red herrings :)

  2. Oh my.
    A very different take - and I will be thinking about it for hours.

    1. Thank you. I'd like to hear where you ended.

  3. I am blown away by your poem, and your ability to write it in your head for later recording, while riding a bicycle!

    Love the final line - well done.

    1. Thank you so much! That was how poems and epic tales were made in days of old. Poems like the Odyssey were oral tales. And I always loved learning things by heart. That said, I'm happy that the PT was delayed. I'm not sure, I would have remembered all of it hours later :)


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