mandag den 22. april 2019

Poetry Monday :: Spring Cleaning

Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
Today's theme is Spring Cleaning. (courtesy of Jenny).

The Easter holidays have been exceptionally warm, sunny and nice. In spite of poorly Owlets and many hours spent in trains and buses on our way to or from all the Easter masses, MotherOwl has been in the garden a good deal more than normal  this spring. This is reflected in this hastily written poem on Spring cleaning.

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Spring cleaning,
Has its meaning
To get rid of Winter's dust.
But I'm dreaming
While I'm gleaning
Seeds in my garden's crust.

 The Sun is beaming
 I am scheming
With every grain of soil.
All is greening.
It has meaning
With growing things to toil.

I will not clean my house for Spring,
But capture all the joys it brings
To spring clean in my garden.
Soon the rain will come and wash
My garden paths with splish and splosh
But 'til then, I beg you pardon.

6 kommentarer:

  1. It is MUCH better to spring clean in the garden than in the house! I fully agree :)

    I hope the poorly Owlets feel better soon. It's hard on them to be ill, and hard for the big people around them, too.

    1. The påoorly Owlets began to feel better yesterday. And of course thy're enough better all of them for school that begins tomorrow. I feel that a substitute holiday should be considered a human rigth when you or your family was ill most of the ordinary holiday.

  2. I am sorry to hear of the poorly owlets and hope they recover quickly.
    I have been 'cleaning' in my garden too. Weeding, pruning, planting - in preparation for spring. Which I hope will be a riot of colour.
    Love your poem.

    1. Thank you, luckliy the recuperative powers of the young are still working its magic.
      I hope your garden will be at least half as fantastic in the coming months as in your mind rigth now.

  3. My hope is you all feel better soon, and yes, do your spring cleaning in the garden and autumn cleaning in the house after the summer fun has had its way.

    1. Thank you. This sounds like the perfect cleaning plan - we live near a beach, so sand, lots of it, is a part of every summer here.


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