mandag den 1. april 2019

Ⓐ - ⓩ - 1. april - Indledning og Ⓐ - Agurker, Artiskokker og Auberginer

     A - Z udfordring - Skriv hver dag i april. den 1. om en ting med A, den 2. om en ting med B osv.
Jeg hørte om det på The Memory of Rains side, hvor Lissa vil deltage. Sue Elvis gjorde mig først opmærksom på denne udfordring  for mange år siden.
     Der er nogle dage i overskud. Den oprindelige udfordring bruger ikke søndagene, men eftersom påsken falder i april, med deraf følgende kirke- og familiebesøg, vil jeg bare skrive, når det passer ind.
      I år opfordres vi til at vælge et tema. Jeg vælger have, planter og alt, hvad der hører til. Endvidere kommer ordene til at begynde med det relevante bogstav på dansk. Denne regel er det ikke sikkert, jeg kan overholde, især ikke, når vi når X W og Q, hvor der jo ikke er mange ord at vælge imellem på dansk.
-- Ⓐ - ⓩ --

A-Z Challenge.
Write each day of April. On the 1st you write about something starting with A, on the 2nd about a thing starting with B and so on. Lissa from The Memory of Rain reminded me of this challenge, I first heard about from Sue Elvis many years ago.
The original challenge means you to post every day except Sundays, but as April is Easter month, with what this entails of masses and family visits, I'm going to write or not as suits me. Also I'm not signing up.
It seems this year, you're invited to pick a theme. Well, I go with garden, growing and anything related. Furthermore the words will begin with the relevant letter in Danish (I might break this rule and almost certainly will for for W, Q and Z, as they're not much used in Danish)

-- Ⓐ - ⓩ --

1. april - Ⓐ

A er for Agurker, Artiskokker og Auberginer, som Piraten og Uglemor såede forleden dag. Nu er agurkerne spiret og de skulle pottes om. 
 A is for Aubergine (eggplant), Artiskokker (artichoke) and Agurk (cucumber). MotherOwl and The Pirate sowed these three some days ago. Today the cucumbers (Agurk) are ready for a transplant.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Good luck. I am far too lazy (and uninspired) to post every day. I love your theme though.

    1. Thank you. Let's see how I'll be doing. April is a busy month.

  2. not much of a fan of eggplants or artichokes but I like cucumbers. I like your idea of using words in danish for the challenge.

    just a question, do you write your post in danish and then translate into english? I rather think it's harder to translate something into english but you seem to be pretty good with the english.

    have a lovely day.

    1. I'm not much of a fan of artichokes either, but some family members are. And the plant is impressing.
      Thanks for your kind words on my English. I write my post in Danish first, then I write in English. Once in a while the English version get written first. It's not translation, really. It's more like telling the same story twice. It is way easier than translation, which I have done professionally -- but then only into Danish. I would NEVER do a professional translation into anything but Danish (except in dire need and with a native speaker for proof reading).

  3. It must be nice to be starting the new seedlings.

    1. It is. So much hope in every tiny seed. My garden is always prettiest in April, because it's only in my imagination so far :)


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