mandag den 3. april 2023

Poetry Monday :: Map

Jeg undskylder nok engang til alle danske læsere. Poetry Monday er en engelsksproget blog-leg. Og jeg har ikke altid krudt til også at skrive et digt på dansk.

The prompt for this Poetry Monday is Map

I have a map here in my hand.
It's not a map to any land
It shows my scars and wrinkles too
How they got there, I have a clue.
When I was young and wild a slide
Made ths long rift along the side
A bike did throw me in a ditch
See there the shadow of a stitch
And on my fingers cuts and burns
Have marked me each and every Turn
But scarred and all my hand is mine
And work for me through rain and shine!

 - - - - -

Next Monday: Golf.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Oh yes. And some of my scars/wrinkles are a mystery...

    1. Yup, where did they come from? They were not there last I looked! A mystery indeed.

  2. Beautiful hands which bear the marks of many years of service to your family and community.

    1. ... and working accidents and stupidity ;) But yes, mostly distinguishing scars :D

  3. Lovely poem. I have many wrinkles on my hands, but don't see scars. I know I've had some, but they seem to have "grown out" There used to be a jagged one on my left palm alongside my thumb, but it isn't there now.

    1. Scars will eventually disappear, you are rigth! I just looked for one where I almost severed a finger "decapitating" rhubarbs and missing - it has gone! But the wrinkles multiply.

  4. What a lovely poem! And so realistic! My hands may not be suitable for a nail polish advertisement but they are sure suitable for work, prayer and caressing. That is enough for me.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.