mandag den 10. april 2023

Poetry Monday :: Golf ~ Repost

This Mondays topic is Golf. I really am not a fan, but the balls - well that's another thing altogether.
As this Monday caught me by surprise, as Easter Mondays normally do, and I suffer from a sore throat (it'll pass, nothing serious, only a bother) I go with a repost from two years ago. And the poem is a bit strange, more lines rhyme with no mean or measure. Here we go:

If you like to golf; now your pardon I beg,
I tried it and found it was boring as heck,
But the golf balls were funny and lovely too
They fit in a small hand. My daughter and I
We rolled them and sent them in each other's way
Then yellow balls, white ones, the prize one, a blue
Took turns all a-rolling as all good balls do.
The fun only ended as brother grew up.
And learned how to throw them, he was a bit rough.
And golf balls are heavy and hurt quite a lot.
The hurting parts meant that this fun had to stop.
Now deep in a drawer a pyramid lays
Of golf balls in layers, and there they will stay,
The yellow ones, white ones, the blue at the top.
Until once again small hands need a good play.

- - - - -

Next Monday: Safety Pins

4 kommentarer:

  1. Ouch. I hear you on brothers playing a bit rough. I well remember a blood blister on my mouth when the ball my brother aimed at my behind hit it when I turned round. And do think of a 'good walk ruined' when I think of golf.

  2. I would not be good at golf, but i can admire how difficult it is to learn and how much practice it takes. The balls would be fun to roll around to each other, but not to throw.

  3. Golf. I understand the walking part, that's a nice bit of exercise. But whacking a ball as you go? Huh!
    I have a question. My elderly neighbour, age 86, was born in Switzerland and recalls a type of tree with needles like spruce and pine, but not an evergreen, the needles turn golden in the autumn. Do you have any idea what it might be? She cannot remember the name.

  4. Sounds like a lot of fun until the throwing started.


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