fredag den 14. april 2023

K ~ Kort / Maps

     Hver dag klokken 12 (undtagen søndag) kommer dagens A-Z indlæg, hvis der altså kommer et.
     Temaet for i år er
Resilience som teamet har valgt, og jeg har valgt undertemaet Blomster, træer og forfædre, så lad os se, hvad der falder mig ind til det tema.
A - Z

  Every day at noon (except Sundays) a new A-Z post goes live - or no post today.
  The theme for this year is
Resilience as given by the team, with my subtitle Flowers, Trees and Ancestors.

K for Kort
Kort er en ret vigtig del af slægtsforskningen. I hvert fald for mig, Sydsjællands små byer og bebyggelser siger mig ikke altid noget, og det er rart at vide, hvor langt folk bevøgede sig omkring. Indtil videre er Johanne Kirstine den af mine forfædre, der har bevæget sig længst væk.
     Først tager vi oversigtskortet igen. Der er kommet en ny firkant til i mørkeblåt, og det er som sagt  ikke de store afstande, det drejer sig om, hver af de to firkanter, sort og blå, dækker ca. et område på 30 x 30 kilometer. Ikke mere end to dages gåtur.

K for Kort = Maps
For me maps are an important part of genealogy. The small towns and hamlets of Southern Zealand do not always ring a bell, and it's nice to know how far people travelled. So far Johanne Kirstine is the one of my ancestors who has travelled the furthest.
Let us start with the overview map. A blue square has been added, and as I said, the distances are not that big, each of the two squares, black and blue, covers an area of about 30 x 30 kilometres. No more than can be coveren in two days' leisured walking.

På kortet med den sorte kant finder vi Ulse, hvor Johanne Kirstine og familie kom fra.
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In the map within the black borders, my original closeup map, we find Ulse, where Johanne Kirstine was born,

Her er Køng, hvor familine flyttede til, markeret på det nye kort - det i den blå firkant.
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Køng - to where Johanne Kirstine moved with her family - is situated in the part of the map within the blue square.
Det er den længste flytning, jeg endnu har fundet - knap 30 kilometer. 
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This is the farthest move I have found so far, a bit short of 30 kilometres.

11 kommentarer:

  1. I think we often forget how little our ancestors moved. Something that makes the 'big' moved like that of my parents from Europe to Australia even more amazing.

    1. Peple at that tome moved a lot, but never far. And yes those big moves are amazing. One of my paternal grandmother's siblings and spouse went to USA. It must have been daunting, and not knowing the language either. They never imagined being able to visit home again, but I met her twice as a small girl. I also remember my Grandmom asking the police for permission to fly the American flag for one of these occasions.
      From which country did your parents come?

    2. My mother was English and my father German.

    3. All of my (half) brothers were born in England.

    4. They really travelled far. I hope it was a bit easier on you mother, being English at least she knew the language.

  2. My grandparents came from Sweden. For 400 years before that, everyone lived in a 5-mile radius!

    1. Are the Swedish registers digitalized as the Danish ones are? I hope so for you.

  3. It's interesting how far or how close people moved from their homes. And maps are a great study for that. I'm not so good with maps though.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. In my case they kept close until my grandmother's generation.

  4. Some of my father's family moved several times, from country to country. We have distant relatives in many parts of the world. I don't know what gave them such "itchy feet."

    1. Interesting. Do you ever visit them or they you? "Itchy feet" is such a good expression.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.