onsdag den 29. marts 2023

Words for Wednesday ~ 29 marts

På dansk
Lige som sidste uge er det Susan Kane der har givet os ordene og ligeledes er de at finde på Rivers blog. Vi har fået de her ord 12 ord nedenunder. Og lige som i mandags beklager jeg, der er ikke mere på dansk.

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In March, the Wednesday's Words are on River's blog. They were chosen by Susan Kane, but her family is having medical issues. Ergo, if you want to play along, hop over to River's blog.

For today we had these words:

1. steam
2. overview
3. bury
4. foundation
5. survey
6. reveal
1. headline
2. fling
3. hand
4. emerald
5. safe
6. vein

Well I tried to continue my Susan story, but nothin good happened. Then suddenly my addled brain came up with this crazyness. As always I use the words in the order they were given. All critique applicable.

I build up steam
to do this meme
An overview
A follow through.
To bury a morale somewhere
Build a foundation, wisdom share.
But a survey will fast reveal
It's cliches only, all I steal.

A headline there
a last fling here.
A handful air,
a joke to spare.
An emerald? a last goodbye?
But we are safe, death passed us by.
I could continue in this vein,
but I'll spare you from the pain.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I am always awed (and this week is no exception) at the additional challenge you set yourself. I find it difficult enough to use the words in any order.

  2. I like this very very much!

  3. I love this! It's really good :)

  4. Thank you all for your encouragement. I like these challenges very much and have been sad to pass in previous weeks. I hope to be returning to regular posting once again now.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.