søndag den 26. marts 2023

Liguster og lysægthed
Privet and Lightfastness

     På ligusterfarvedagen farvede vi naturligvis med liguster.Vi farvede også med skønhedsøje, grannåle, vild kørvel og hasselrakler.
     Men det er ikke gjort med at se, om der kommer farver ud af nye planetmaterialer, de skal også testes for lysægthed.
     Her lige et billede af forsøgene igen.

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When testing new plants for dyeing it's not enough to see if the plants dye the wool. Fastness to wash and light is important - or at least nice to know - as well. 

Here's the colours from our  Dyer's day with privets to be tested.

Rød: skønhedsøje - Grøn: rød hassel - Blå: liguster -- og så det mangefarvede mini-fed.

Red: tickseed - Green: red hazel - Blue: privet  -- and also the multicoloured mini-skein.

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Og her er de to små testere i åbnet tilstand - de kan ses øverst på det første billede.

And now I opened the two tests. They can bee seen in the top of the first photo.
     Lysægthedstest efter 14 dage i forårssolen: Skønhedsøjer holder bedst, Røde hasselrakler falmer en lille smule (bliver lidt mere gul), grannåle mere og ligusterbær meget.
     Den stakkels vilde kørvel vil jeg ikke regne med, for det var nogle usle planter og ikke nok af dem.

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Test for ligthfastness after 14 days in the harsh spring sun: Tickseed is almost unchanged, red hazel catkins have faded a bit (turned more yellow), spruce needles somewhat and privet berries a lot. 

I do not take into account the wild chervil. It was a poor plant, half frozen and withered, and not enough of it.

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Og det fjerde bad med skønhedsøjer er vist en slags laksefarvet.

RGB: 229-81-55

And the fourth bath of tickseed does fall within the Salmon range I think.

5 kommentarer:

  1. I love seeing the results of your experimental work. Thank you. Gorgeous colours - and yes, how fast they are is very important.

    1. Privet dyed yarns are for socks only ;) They'll be worn out before the blue/green colours fade. Tickseed can be used for almost anything. It is very nice to know.
      Thank you!

  2. I'm glad you are finding some colors which hold up well.

    Most of the "salmon range" colors i find are in the clouds.

    1. I am too - experimenting is fun.
      Skyscapes can be fabulous. I hope to see some of yours - be rigth over.

  3. The colours are lovely. I hadn't thought about the fastness of them. Isn't there some way to "set" the colour.


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